Positive Oliver Phelps X Reader

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'I'm five days late on my period! I haven't been feeling well these days and I'm always moody'. Y/n gasp at the thought, 'No, it can't be, right? I can't be pregnant—' 

"Babe, are you okay?" Asked a voice outside of the bathroom "You're in there for 45 minutes already!" it was Oliver. "I'm okay Babe just give me a second!"  Y/n got up from the toilet, washing her face in order to calm her down, hoping that those thoughts would wash away with the water. 

Y/n got out of the bathroom and greeted by Oliver. "You sure you're okay, babe," He asked.

Y/n smiled at Oliver, wrapping her arms around his neck, giving him a passionate kiss. "I'm fine Oli, as long as I'm with you," Y/n assured Oliver, making him smile. 

Days came by Y/n still have the same symptoms from before, but this time is getting worse and more obvious. Y/n is now sitting on the couch, calling her best friend, Emma Watson. While Oliver is not home she can have the time to get some help from someone.

"So you're always moody and always having nausea while you're ten days late with you're period am I right? " Spoke Emma from the phone.

Y/n sighed "Yeah, and now I don't know what to do about it!"  She exclaimed. 

"Okay Y/n calm down, I'm on my way to you're house"  Emma replied and ended the call. 

Y/n is thankful for her best friend Emma. She is always there for her, She is even the reason why Y/n and Oliver are together now. Thirty minutes later a loud knock was made as Y/n headed her way downstairs. 

"Who is it?" Y/n asked.

"It's Emma, now open the door" Emma voiced.

Y/n opened the door and a big hug surprised Her. "I've missed you ya know" Emma chuckled letting go and took Y/n's hand, leading Her upstairs. "So watcha got there" Y/n asked looking at Emma's hands that is full of different kinds of paper bags. Emma smiled "I brought something for you, here" She said handling a small bag to Y/n. "What's this?" Y/n gasped as she took something out of the bag "Is this a pregnancy test?".

"No, it's a drug" Emma commented earning a chuckle from Y/n. "Of course it's a pregnancy test!"  

Y/n gulped, thinking if she can handle the results that are going to give her. She sighed. "Give me a second Emma, I'm just going to get some water" Emma nodded as Y/n made her way to the kitchen getting a full glass of water and walking back upstairs. 

"So are you ready?" Emma asked

Y/n drank the whole glass of water "Yes"

Making their way to the bathroom Y/n is ready to do it. She sat down at the toilet while Emma is waiting outside. Finally, she is done, getting up and washing her hands while waiting for the results. At this moment Y/n is feeling excited and nervous at the same time, yet she still doesn't know how to react if the results are not what she is expecting. Looking over the stick, two red lines showed up.


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