Branch 8

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///Izumiki's Pov\\\
I made my way down the hall toward 3-A to introduce myself and claim Katsuki!
"Mimi! Where are you going!?" I turned around to find my best friend chasing me down.
"Ah I was heading to 3-A"

"Did you forget about your extra classes with Recovery Girl?" She looked at me with a big smile as usual.My wings turned purple in embarrassment. 'I can't believe I forgot about that!'
"Thanks for reminding me Meimei, it totally slipped my mind!" I slightly bowed before leaving.

'I'll slip Katsuki a message when I get to Recovery Girl's office.'I made a mental note, then skipped down the hall.On the way many people said hi! The students here are so sweet! Especially the new hero course students.

The first week they whispered around me but now we're the best of friends.I reached RG's room where she was filing papers.She glanced up and gave a small smile.
"How are you sweetheart?"
"I'm good! You?"

"I am also well, I'm not ready for all the healing we will have to do next week." I chuckled before going over to my desk.
"I know what you mean! It's already hard dealing with 3-A's harsh training!" I looked over to the older woman.
"It's that boyfriend of yours!"She replied, not taking her eyes off of her papers.

"It's fiance now RG!"I held my hand up in triumph. She giggled before giving me a reply.
"He better be treating you right or I'll come beat him with my cane!" I giggled before turning around and doing my work on the computer. Which was putting some info about the students who came in today onto their records.

///Mei's POV\\\
'Maybe I should go with speedy to talk about our new babies!' Making my way down the halls on the third year level with my bag. I quickly approached 3-A.
"Hello!" I poked my head into the room quickly scanning over the rainbow of hair colors. Speedy walked up to me all robotic like! 'He's totally trying to Seduce me!' "Hello Hatsumei-Chan what can we do for you!"

"Actually I wa-"
"WHAT DOES SHE MEAN SHE'S STUCK WITH THAT NURSE HAG!?" I was rudely cut off by the yelling of my best friend's fiancé. "Are you talking about Mimi?" I walked over to his desk. "Yeah! She has to stay with that older hag today for her nursing course." He talked low enough for me to hear.

"*Hehe*I know I was the one who reminded her! Anyways! Mr.Iida where are we gonna finish your tech?"
He quickly fixed his confused face by fixing his glasses. "Ah is it okay if you come back to the 3-A dorms?"
'Does that mean I'll get to work with him in his dorm!?' I slowly nodded while adjusting my bag on my shoulders.

"Great! Let's go everyone and make sure you all do your homework." He said to which the rest of the class groaned. We made our why out of the classroom door to the entrance gate.
"So you're the lucky lady!?" I was confronted by a red haired shark and a pink alien. "Huh?" I tilted my head in confusion. "You're the girl Bakubro is marrying right!?" Pinky asked, to which I could only full on cackle.

"N-No!...." I struggled to catch my breath!! "No! He's marrying my best friend."  Breathed out with a sigh and wiped the small tears in my eyes. "Oh? Who's your best he won't tell us anything!" The pink girl faked a look of tiredness. Before I could even give an answer I felt a strong gust of wind run past us.

The girls held down their skirts while me and the rest of the boys looked up in curiosity.
"Meimei!" My green haired bestie landed in front of us stopping the conversation making all eyes go to her. "What's up Mimi?" She grabbed something out of her front pocket. She handed me some blueprints and my phone. "You forgot these!"

I grabbed the items, as soon as they were in my possession she flew away. "Who was that sparkling goddess!?" Asked a kid in the back of the class, to be exact it was a blonde. 'Learning names take too long.' "I'm surprised you all don't know her." An indigo haired girl with aux cords stuck to her ears spoke up.

"Some call her the goddess of the angel of the support course." Ponytail spoke up next to the indigo girl. "Mmhm!" I hummed confirming their statements. Once we got the dorms Iida and I got to work on his tech.

///Katsuki's POV\\\
I was outside doing my training, like usual! When I was interrupted by my watch, knowing who it was, I answered. "I'm so sorry!" The first thing I heard, I smirked.
'Time good ol' guilt trip.'

"*Uuugh*Now I'm all alone with these extras. They won't stop asking about you! You made it even worse by sneaking up on us!"
"Katsuki! I-I" "It's too late now." I sighed "I-I'll make it up to you! Whatever you want!"
"Are you sure? You're not gonna bail on me again right...?"
"I promise!"

"Alright then let's go on a date."
"But what about training?"
"You literally just promised and now you're changing your mind!?"
"N-No! I'll set something up by Wednesday!"
"Good! Bye!" Then I went back to training. When I came back inside of the dorms zoom eyes was leaving.

"Lemme guesses date with Zulu?" She looked over at me with a smirk. "Mmhm" I grumbled before heading to my dorm room to get ready for Wednesday.
'Is it gonna be casual or fancy?' So I just picked out two outfits for each. After that I took a shower then put on a hoodie and some shorts.
I sat back down on the floor next to my bed and played video games until 8:30pm.That's where the night ended for me

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