Branch 17

553 8 0

This chapter maybe a bit mature toward the ending.

/Narrator POV\
Katsuki slithered out of bed. He took a quick shower and made breakfast then made his way to his agency before 9am. He stomped to his cubicle while his coworkers greeted him with warm smiles. Each one annoyed him more than the last. He put a cup under his personal coffee maker and began his long catch up on paperwork.

Meanwhile Izumi ate, cleaned the house and then got ready for her day in the lab.As she worked on some new and old inventions she received a text on her phone from Hawks.
"Hi zuzu.."
"What's up Hawks?"
"I was wondering if we could meet up for lunch."
She thought about it for a bit then decided she'd get lunch with Hawks and get Katsuki something too. With this plan in mind she quickly replied with a "yes" and got back to work.

12pm rolled around and Izumi made her way towards a cafe not far from Hawks' agency. She walked in and sat at a table and ordered something for her and Katsuki while she waited for Hawks. When he walked in she waved him over to her table. He quickly ordered something to eat and drink before striking a conversation.

"So how are you and your little boyfriend?" he smirked
"He's fine! Thanks again..." she said smiling to herself looking down while stirring her latte.
"So I'm guessing he's adjusting well." he said in a positive tone. Izumi nodded and smiled in response.
"Are you single Hawks?" Izumi inquired as their waiter placed their food on the table
"Yeah. Why? You interested in me? Sorry kid I'm 5 years too old for you."
"WHA- NO!! I was just wondering!"
"That's what they all say" he said rolling his eyes.
"Who is they all?" Izumi peaked up at the taller male
"Oh you know magazine authors, celebrity show hosts, fans you know!" he said putting his arms behind his head as he chewed on a straw. They ate and talked here and there till 1:30 pm.

They departed and went their separate ways. Izumi made her way to Katsuki's agency as she walked in she greeted his coworkers and made her way to his office. She knocked to let him know someone was coming in.
"FU*K OFF" Izumi's face twisted in an upset state. She opened the door and Katsuki looked like he was about to say something else but quickly shut himself up before he made his current issue any worse.

"Babyyy! Hi! How are you?" He smiled
"Is this for me?! Thank you so much!" He tried to grab the bag but quickly realized she had a strong grip on it.
"If you're upset about the cursing... in my defense..." Izumi smacked the boy upside his head. He grabbed it in pain while she set up his food. He grabbed her waist and brought her closer in an attempt to give her a behind hug. Instead the girl's ass rubbed against his dick slowly.

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