Branch 5

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'Stupid robots!' Izu and I found out last night that only the classes A-G are testing today. So she's at home and will be testing tomorrow. I continued blasting everything in sight, including some extras just to blow off some steam.

The robot were weak as fuuuuuuu-.
After the stupid testing I headed back home.
"Sukun!" Zuzu ran into my chest like a little kid, Kazu came running behind her in the little ball the old hag bought him. "Hey Zuzu where's the old man?"

'He's usually home, after 4.'
"Oh they went to my house!" She said picking up Kazu. "How was your day?" I asked as we walked back up to my room.
"Oh you know just working on my entry for school.." she said as we sat down on the bed.

"I forgot you guys could make your entries at home." She nodded while petting Kazu.
"So are you making something new or using one of your other inventions?"
I hope she uses something she already made, she has to tell how it works too. That may not be a lot of work but I don't want her staying up all night trying to make something.

"Ah I was planning on doing the thing where I can bring in someone to use the invention on."
'Whose gonna be the poor ginny pig?'
"Who?" I asked
"The owl in front of me of course!" Looking around then quickly realized I the poor owl-ginny pig.

'I accept my fate!'
"So what invention are you gonna use?" She began giggling like a mad scientist, she touched her forehead like a weeb!
"Funny you should ask Sukun!" She pulled out a pod.
"What is that?"

"This my beautiful finance, it a teleportation device! It has two settings different dimensions and time travel!" After looking at it for a while, I came to a conclusion that my soon to be wife is a a FUUUU- GENIUS!
"How did you make this!?"

"I got the DNA of an friend I made today!"
'How close did she get with this friend in just one day!?' Moving from that conversation. "So how about your day?" She asked while she also began writing down how the device works on computer then printing it out to turn it tomorrow.

"We had to take two quizzes, a written exam then a practical exam."
I said walking into the closet. "I'm guessing the last one was the hero test?" She giggled
"Right on nerd, we had to fight robots."

"No saving people? Heroism is not only about defeat the villains." She as she began printing out the papers. 'I mean she's not wrong'
"Yeah you're right I guess we'll just have to see." I walked back out of my closet after grabbing some clothes.
"You better have some hero points Sukun!"
"Yeah, Yeah" I walked out into the bathroom.

///Izumiki's POV\\\
While Katsuki went to shower I got my bag ready. I packed up the notes and the device. Then I got my clothes out, I guess I was being indecisive for thirty minutes, because Katsuki came back into the room.

"Hey Katsuki can you pick out my clothes while I go bathe?" He nodded while I went into the bathroom. Quickly I bathed then headed back into the room,to get some sleep for tomorrow.

6:00 am

"Get up go get ready."
"Okay..." Instead of getting up I turned around,which prompted Sukun to push me out of the bed.

I flopped onto the floor which hurt! Instead of yelling at him I grabbed my clothes and went and got changed. After getting changed Sukun and I left for UA. We didn't see many people most likely because everyone was shooting for hero course. Once we reached the doors, I had to leave Sukun in the back so I could take my written exam.

The math was a little hard but I mad it out in time!
After they sent us to a stage where we'll come up and present our inventions.
"This is the same room they explained our exam to us in."
"Yeah you're sitting in the over grown sonic's seat." I giggled Sukun must've thought his speed was or is a threat.

They had finally began, my favorite hero stepped onto the stage!
"Alright you guys are gonna be called up in you number orders!" Power-loader explained, he sighed looking down at a piece of paper.
I was confused there was only about thirty of us! I guess that's still a lot to go through....

I'm number twenty-six so I can take notes on the first twenty-five! Grabbing my note book I got to work.
After each explanation the examinee would leave their paper with the teachers and go home.
"Examinee number twenty-six?" Sukun and I got up and walked down the staircase heading to the stage.
"Which one is Midoriya?" Power-loader asked.

"That would be me sir!" I said raising my hand a bit.
"Hi Midoriya! What do you have to present to us today?"
I opened my turquoise book back and grabbed the papers and the device.
"I have a teleportation device!" They looked a little spooked, ignoring their face expressions I began to explain.

"My teleportation device lets us travel between time and different dimensions. Example I'm gonna set the device to dimensions, then send Mr.Bakugo here to a different dimension!" I turned it in setting it on the ground as a yellow portal opens.
"Be careful!" I whispered to Sukun he nodded stepping in. He was in there for about five minutes before stepping back out with a smile on his face.
"What happened?" The teachers asked

"The dimension was mostly like ours except for some people seemed to be gender swapped." Sukun explained 'I wonder what made him smile?'
"Did the people in there have any reactions or interactions with you?"

"Yes, they were surprised and asked questions."
"Any proof that this invention works?"
Sukun pulled out his phone and showed some pictures that he took five minutes ago.
"Good we'll take your papers and a letter will be delivered to your home if you've been accepted." I handed in my papers, then left.

"I hope we both get in..." I mumbled to myself.
"If they don't choose us then they're missing out!" Sukun and I giggled heading back home.

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