9. The Dawn

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'I can't breathe.'


'Let go! Let me live!'

Tap Tap

"-LET GO!" I jolted up and gasped for air, causing me to choke slightly. I couldn't help but panted heavily after that, feeling the lack of oxygen. My eyes were burning with tears as fear enveloped me. Fear of death. My heartbeat thumped ever so loudly, it was the only sound played in my ears. I can feel my clothes drenched from the sweat. I inhaled the air as if it was the most precious thing in this world and with a heavy breath, i exhaled.

As soon as i was able to breathe normally, i noticed that i wasn't in my enemy's grip anymore nor was i in pain. My hand was lifted to touch my throat but only then did i notice that i couldn't. I can't move my limbs and slowly, i can feel the pain starting to take over my whole body. My body fell unintentional on the soft surface again, giving out to the lack of strength. The stinging pain suddenly shot out and i helplessly winced. Even moving slightly hurt so much, i forgot how i was able to sit just fine earlier.


My ears suddenly picked up the sound. My eyes scanned around as i registered the unfamiliar view.

Tap Tap

Then it landed on a single window to my left, the source of the only sound i heard. The sky was noticeably dark, clouds formed the colour of grey as droplets of rain hit the window. The room was illuminated with a single source of light coming from a half-melted candle. It was placed near the window's frame, next to the bed.

It wasn't clear what was at the other side of the small opening as the sight was covered with another wall- probably a building.

My eyes went from the window to the candle, then back to the ceiling and the whole room that i was able to see only by moving my head slightly. The room wasn't spacious although it could fit a bed, a desk and a chair so well- it wasn't cramped either.

It was so quiet but unlike earlier where i can only hear my heartbeat, the sound of raindrop accompanied me. It soothed me like it usually did. I closed my eyes trying to gather my thoughts. The second i was fighting and choking, but now i'm here at who-knows-where. The moment i thought i was dying, i lived. This was an unexpected turn of event.

'Where am i exactly? Who saved me? What happened to the guy i fought?'

There were so many questions in the back of my mind but there was no one to direct it to. I saw no one, not even a glimpse. At least not yet.. I was alone in the dull, plain space. I can't just sit there waiting for someone to come. However when i tried to lift myself up again, every pores in my body, every muscles and veins screamed in pain. I failed miserably so i surrendered, and drifted off to sleep once again. I probably needed a rest for now, until someone comes.




"- did you find anything?" A feminine voice started.

"No, seems like everything went away." This time, it came from a deep voice, a man's. He was probably talking to the woman earlier.

I slowly opened my eyes to the voices. The first thing that i saw was the ceiling, then the figure next to me. Although my vision was blurred, i was able to register their presence.

"I see. The current must've been strong. It's a miracle he's still alive."

It took me a while but i was gradually able to see them clearly. Sitting on the chair to my right was a lady. She seemed to be in her teens but she looked so matured. Her short hair was a unique lavender and her eyes were the colour of warm amber. The combination colours were the first time i've seen since i got into this world. I admitted being mesmerised by her beautiful sight.

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