10. Reunion

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The reason i didn't mind staying for another week with the Akatsuki -despite my actions and words towards Yahiko that said otherwise- was because the bridge to my goal was here, in Amegakure. I had my doubts but the constant act of being watched and stared at decreases the amount of suspicions that occured in my mind. The one to always hide in the shadows and incredibly untraceable, no one other than Zetsu that crossed my mind.

It wasn't enough to clear all of my doubts away. Why would he be here, in this village watching me? Or maybe it wasn't me that he was actually looking, maybe it was someone close. So i made my own assumption and concluded- if Madara had implanted his Rinnegan on Nagato, then the possibility that he would send someone to watch over it was undeniably understandable. At this time around, i believed that only Zetsu could take the job as i remembered how incapacitated Madara was.

I was aware how Zetsu had put their interest in me after countless of attempts to call out for them. However this time, i included their name and it turned out well as they had appeared in front of me- with only their upper half visible from the ground. He had to tilt his head up to meet my eyes as i looked at him from above.

Their glowing eyes contemplating me,"What made you think that we'll oblige to your words?" The black Zetsu took his turn to speak. "For all i know you could be an enemy."

I narrowed my eyes, trying to figure out a believable excuse, "I will assist in whatever Uchiha Madara wish for. I know he's planning something and that he's alive."

"You know a lot kid. Very interesting." White Zetsu chuckled in response, "Too bad that we can't trust you but maybe, if you tell us how you-"

"That's not for you to decide. Whether you can trust me or not is all up to him." I cut him off with my own stern tone, "If Uchiha Madara decides that i'm not trustworthy and wishes for my death, i'll gladly comply."

Zetsu tilted their head to the side, "So you're saying that we have nothing to lose?" White Zetsu paused, staring deeply at me, "What do you think?" Asked the white to the black.

Black Zetsu took a brief silence before he answered, "Hmm..Eventhough we already have another brat to be a part of our plan, i guess it doesn't hurt to have another one. But whatever it is, let Madara-sama decides for him." He said with a raspy voice.

"Then.." Zetsu nodded at me, signalling me to continue.

When i think they're finally cooperating, i started to rubbed my pocket, then slidded out a piece of paper that was folded into a smaller size. A memory of asking Konan about this flashed through my mind. She did ask me what i needed it for but honesty wasn't everything. When i realised how damped the paper was from the rain, i had to recheck the contents and it was still readable. I sighed in relief and handed it to him.

"And that is?"

"A summoning scripture. When Uchiha Madara wants to summon me, i do hope you inform me beforehand. I'll prepare a shadow clone so the Akatsuki wouldn't be suspicious." I finished as i left the note on Zetsu's palm. "I'll be waiting."

"Although I want to ask you more-" Zetsu closed their fist, "-But I guess we'll be back then.. Either to kill you, or recruit you." Black Zetsu added before they disappeared into the ground, leaving only the dripping sounds of rain to accompany me that evening.




As my eyes squeezed open, i took the count to three to finally lift my body into a seated position. My view changed towards the small opening, trying to figure out if my nap took longer than what i'd planned to. However, the building facing the window covered everything, preventing me to see what's beyond. I got up from my bed when i finally felt sober, hands tying my hair that had grown longer above my shoulders into a small ponytail. Then i went towards the medium-sized hall that consisted of only vacant chairs and leftover drinks. I scanned around and found no one, not even the usual presented Konan. Later, i proceeded outside to the entrance. I tilted my head up towards the sky.

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