Chapter 6 - The beginning...

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I quickly shook off the thoughts of Emma and absentmindedly continued with my cleaning, moving from the kitchen to the dining room. I had to do the whole bottom floor and then I could slowly make my way up to the other floors, of which there were 3.

The was the bottom floor which had the basic amenities, the first floor was guest rooms in case anyone stayed over, the second floor was the alphas office, and finally, the third is his bedroom which I usually save for last.

I entered the dining room to find that Shelly was there already working on cleaning it. She has slowly become my best friend over the years that I've been stuck here.

"Oh thank goddess," I said aloud in relief causing her to jump and stumble back into a cabinet as she quickly spun around.

"You scared the hell out of me Izzy, what the hell?!" She exclaimed unhappily as she put her hand on her chest as it rapidly rose and fell.

"I'm sorry shell, I didn't mean to, I was just thankful to know that I'm not the only one cleaning this freaking house today. It usually takes me all day when I'm alone." I said gratefully as I walked towards her.

"You're lucky it's your birthday and I love you or else I would kick your ass for scaring me again." She mumbled, annoyed.

"What?" I asked sarcastically with an eyebrow raised as I put my hands on my hips. I know she knows I heard her.

"Nothing!" She said quickly "Happy birthday!" She said changing the subject as she wrapped her arms around me.

I chuckled and thanked her as I hugged her back. We continued to talk and gossip about anything and everything as we cleaned the downstairs together.


We were now almost done with the rooms on the second floor when Shelly absentmindedly mentioned something that caught my attention.

"But anyway, I don't see why we have to clean the whole house today when it's just going to need it again in a few days since the alpha ceremony is being held tomorrow," she said exasperated as she unplugged the vacuum she was using.

"Wait what?" I asked suprised, "what alpha ceremony?"

"Oh! Well, I overheard some pack members talking earlier and they were saying that Alpha Steven's son is finally coming home from alpha training after the last 7 years and he's taking up the alpha position tomorrow night." She said excitedly as she finished wrapping up the vacuum to put it away.

"Why haven't I heard anything about this? I thought he was coming back next month?" I questioned in exasperation as I stopped what I was doing to focus on her.

"He was but he finished training early I guess," she said as she shoved the vacuum into the closet and closed the door.

She turned around to face me "hey, why don't we divide and conquer and you clean his bedroom and I'll clean the office?" She asked hopefully.

"You know what I want to be done cleaning already anyway, so deal," I said smiling. "It shouldn't take me too long, so I'll meet you in the living room when you're done"

"Sounds good to me, see you later, alligator" she responded gleefully as she gathered her cleaning supplies and left the room.

"After a while, crocodile," I called out after her and heard her giggle lightly as she went up the stairs.


Finally, over an hour later, I am done with the cleaning.

Looking at the clock on the wall, I saw it was 5 pm which means Shelly should be done for the day as well.

I smiled to myself and quickly put away the supplies I was using, before starting to make my way back downstairs.

As I neared the landing on the second floor though, I heard a commotion in the alphas office. I could only make out bits and pieces, but I could hear him yelling furiously "HOW FUCKING DARE...... you think... going through my desk...I knew I couldn't fucking trust.... you know what no. I'm not having..... traitor....GODDAMN PACK!" was all I heard before there was a loud sickening crack followed by a few smaller cracks and thud's, swiftly followed by the smell of blood.

I froze on the landing and sniffed. Only one other person should've been in the house besides me and the alpha and that would be Shelly. From the smell of it, she was still in his office. Fear overtook me as a stood there quietly hoping to hear her voice or some indication that she was okay in there.

It was quiet for a moment before I heard him yell again. "Isabella get your fucking ass in here now!"

At that, my blood ran cold and I slowly walked closer to his doors. Shelly's scent got stronger and I could only hope that she was okay and that the blood I smelt wasn't hers.

I knocked quietly on the doors to the office before opening them and stepping inside.

The first thing I saw made me freeze again as my heart dropped and I fell to my knees. I wanted to scream and cry, and whine that it wasn't fair but most of all, I wanted that alphas head on a stake.

The whole office was covered in pools and flecks of blood, and on the floor right in front of the alpha in pieces was Shelly. The cracks I had heard was him ripping her limbs from her body.

I gasped horrified and covered my mouth as tears started to fall. All I could do was stare at her lifeless eyes, my best friend was gone.

"Oh boohoo. Get the fuck over it bitch. If she wasn't caught snooping around in my office and stealing important papers, I wouldn't have had to do that. I will not have traitors in this pack." He said dismissively as he turned around to walk to his desk.

Before I could stop myself my head snapped up in his direction. "She wasn't a fucking traitor," I said furiously with as much venom in my voice as I could muster while keeping my narrowed eyes on him. "All she was doing was cleaning up in here like we were instructed," I said as I stood up and stalked towards him defiantly.

He quickly spun back around backhanding me with all of his force across my face.

I cried out and fell to the ground again, clutching my face as I landed in a pool of blood beside shelly's dismembered head.

"First off, I am your alpha! You will not talk to me like that. Secondly, how many times were you told that you do not have permission to make eye contact with anyone? Let alone me!" He demanded outraged as he stalked over and grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me up, dangling me above the ground.

"Now get rid of this fucking traitor and clean my fucking office as instructed or you will join her" He yelled in my face angrily before letting go and letting me drop back down to the floor with a hard thud. He had a smug smile on his face as he grabbed his phone from the desk and sauntered out of the room.

After he left, all I could do was cry. I had lost the only close friend I have had these past 6 years. The only person that understood and cared about me. The only person that knew my secret, that I considered my sister and best friend, ....and I didn't even get to say goodbye.


I was startled when the door opened once more. It was Chad and some guy I had never seen before, holding what looked like a black body bag.

I quickly made myself seem busy by wiping up some of the blood on the floor as they went around the room and collected the parts of Shelly before placing them in the bag.

"Fucking traitor" was all Chad mumbled disgustedly as he tied up the bag and they left the room leaving me to my own thoughts, while I had to clean the blood of my best friend.

They are going to get what's coming to them. No matter how long it takes, the alpha is going to regret what he did tonight. Even if it's the last thing I do.

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