Chapter 16 - The past coming back

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Chapter 16 - The past coming back

I wait a moment before putting my ear to the door but all I hear is quiet footsteps.

I call out to Emma again and there's no response so I open the door only to be greeted by a gun in my face. I freeze and before springing into action, knocking the gun out of the person's hands as I tackle them to the ground.

They flip us over so they are on top of me and I see that it's another one of the council's assassins. Before I can react he grabs my head and slams it off the ground before he punching me in the face.

My head snaps to the side from the hit as blood pours out of my split lip. Just as he's about to punch me again I kick him off of me before moving to jump at him, claws extended ready to rip through his chest.

Right before I lunged at him I heard the cocking of multiple guns and Emma whimper in pain which made me freeze.

Looking around I see at least 10 other assassins sent by the council with their guns trained on me and two more standing by the open door with Emma on her knees between them. One of them had a fist full of her hair in his hands pulling tighter the more she struggled while the other had his gun pressed to her head.

She had bruises littering her entire body and quite a few cuts and gashes. Not to mention the fact that her left arms seemed to be sitting at a weird angle.

I slowly rose my hands in surrender as I stepped back from the assassin I was attacking, making sure to keep my eyes on Emma the whole time. As I did two people from behind me came forward forcing me to my knees while restricting my hands behind my back with silver cuffs.

I felt the cold steel of a gun press against my head and the guard to my left sternly ordered me not to move.

The guards by the door stepped back and someone else came into the room dressed in warrior gear from the council. He was followed by 4 more assassins each carrying a plethora of weapons. I guess the council wasn't taking any chances this time. We should've left last night, wings or not.

As the warrior came closer to me I realized I knew him from somewhere but couldn't place where. He stopped a few feet away and crossed his arms in front of him with a smug look on his face.

"It's nice to see you again Isabella. So sorry it had to be under these circumstances" he said mockingly as the other council members snickered. "I can see from your expression that you don't remember me, so let me enlighten you." He sneered as he came closer to me and knelt down so he could look me in the eyes.

"five years ago, the border-line near Blood Brood where you viciously attacked the new alpha and three others," he said with an evil glint in his eye as he stood back up walking back to where he was earlier.

I thought back. He must mean when Andrew and his goons attacked me. Wait, it can't be.

"Rick" I whispered out in realization. He was one of the goons that were with Andrew the day he came home. I never knew he was part of the council, I can see he hadn't changed much though.

"There it is. Andrew and the council both agreed that since I had prior experience with you, I would be their best bet to catch you and boy were they right. Now I get to be the one to end your miserable existence." He sneered maliciously as he glared at me.

He snapped his fingers pointing at Emma and then at me "get these two up and outside. I want this taken care of as quickly as possible so we can return home" he commanded walking towards the door before pausing at the entrance to turn around.

He made eye contact and stared me down as he spoke "if anyone wants to get wild and try to fight, then shoot the other one. It'll just make things easier for us." he smirked as he turned back around, descending the stairs with the same four council members/assassins behind him.

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