Chapter 29 - Coming home

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As the ringing stopped,  I opened my eyes to see that I was standing in the middle of our bedroom facing the closet. I spun in a circle looking for luke or Tyler to see an empty room.

A few seconds later I heard voices coming from the opposite wing near the offices, yelling angrily. I took off towards the voices and came to the main office, I threw the doors open and stepped inside to see my mates yelling at each other in anger.

Luke was glaring at Tyler who had him by the collar. "If we hadn't stayed out so late she wouldn't have gotten taken" Tyler roared at him. Luke shoved him off and went to yell something back but both of them jumped and broke apart as the doors slammed open.

"Isabella!!" they yelled in unison and ran over to me, sweeping me up into a bone-crushing hug. Luke nuzzled his head into my neck making me wince slightly as he came into contact with a deep bruise. He froze and pulled back from me as Tyler did the same, taking in my appearance.

Tyler's eyebrows furrowed and he tilted his head to the side as Luke growled angrily. "Izzy, what the hell happened to you? and since when were your eyes gold? Also, what's up with the new tattoo? Tyler asked confused as he looked me over.

I tilted my head to the side as well and cocked an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean? what tattoo? And my eyes are silver, my mom's eyes are gold." I said confused as I shook my head dismissively. "As to what happened to us... that's something I want to get everyone together for," I said thoughtfully as I sighed.

"You found your mom?!" Luke asked excitedly and I nodded my head happily, grinning from ear to ear. "That's great" he roared excitedly and swept me up into his arms once again. He kissed me passionately and nuzzled his head against mine.

A few moments later,  Tyler tapped me on the shoulder making me pull back from away from luke. As I looked over at him, I saw he was holding a large mirror that he pointed in my direction so I could see myself.

I gasped out loud as I gazed at myself in the mirror, running my fingertips over my neck and shoulders. My eyes were now glowing gold just like my mother's and black swirls that matched the golden ones on my wolf are spiraled down my neck, across my shoulder, and creep down each upper arm. I could also see a black ring sticking out from underneath the collar of my shirt that wasn't there before.

I pulled it down slightly and leaned closer to the mirror. The royal crest on my chest was pitch black and it now had four black rings around it, each striped with gold bands. "It must be because of the transformation" I mumbled quietly as I continued to look at my markings. Tyler cocked an eyebrow at me and lifted my chin gently so I was looking at him "What transformation?" he asked inquisitively as he stared at me.

I shook my head, removing it from his grasp "let's go find everyone else and I'll explain everything" I said as I looked at them truthfully. They both nodded their heads as Tyler pulled me from luke, picking me up in his arms before he strolled towards the door. "Mine" he growled possessively nuzzling into my neck, making me giggle as I heard Luke growl from behind us.

"She's ours, assface but you're lucky I share her at all" he grumbled as he grumpily followed us out. I laughed and shook my head as they started to bicker playfully back and forth.

Man, I was glad to be home.


We found everyone else in the kitchen. They were frantically calling around to others, asking if they had seen me or knew where I was when Tyler came in with me in his arms.

The kitchen went completely silent before everyone exclaimed happily and came running over to us. Tyler set me on the floor just as Emma ran up to me, wrapping me in a bear hug. Lisa and Avery piled on and before I knew it we were having a big group hug.

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