The Battle

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Obiwan POV
We rush as I see the stars go by it never gets old, my beautiful thoughts are interrupted by a transmission from Anakin.

Master! The Base is ours on Ryloth.

Great Anakin! I do have some bad news.

Master what is it!?!

That Padawan of yours has been creating some mischief on the ship.

Like what?

The 501st seemed to reprogram a cleaning droid and made her wizz around the bridge!

What?!? I'll have to talk to them about this!

Anyway can you take a different route to Corusant the ,shorter one, we are have gone the cargo way can you go down ammunition lane and we will both be there at the same time.

Yes Master.

              1 hour later...

"General Kenobi something is blocking the hyperspace lane,"

"Come out of Hyperspace," I said not worried just thinking it's a ship out of place or an asteroid.

"Sir it's a separatist fleet!" We hear a crash comes with explosions.

"Put up the shields and get the guns ready, sound all alarms!" I said.


Yes Master.

We need you to come to our locations a separatist fleet is attacking we need your fleet!

Coming Master!

Anakin POV
I get the transmission from Obiwan and set a course for his destination we will arrive in 20 minutes but what could they be after. I need to contact the Council.

Yoda: Master Skywalker, A pleasure it is.

Me: I need help from the council my fleet is severely damaged and Master Kenobi is being attacked by Separatist forces they are only one ship with no fighters just Cargo. My fighters are practically gone can you send back up it is extremely important I get my injured men to a hospital.

Yoda: Send Help, we will

Ki adi Mundi: Master Luminara's fleet is in orbit of Corusant they can help.

Yoda: Send them, we will.

Me: thank you Masters.

I end the transmission and tell Obiwan Master Luminara is coming.


"Kix, if you say Ahsoka is two and she used to be 17 that means 15 years of her life were taken off her!" Echo said.

"But then that means if any of us were hit we would be gone cause of our accelerated growth."

Then we all heard the alarms go off. Kix runs to the med bay control panel pushes some buttons and sees a Separatist ship.

"Oh no!" Kix said.

"What's wrong Kix?!" Jesse said.

"A separatist fleet!" Kix said.

" We have to go to the Hangar Come on!"

"What about the mini Commander!?!" Tup said.

"We'll take her to the Barracks it's on the way!"

We all rush to the hangar and see droids start flying in we rush with guns and shoot them they just kept coming I hope we don't have to keep this up.

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