Vacation Part 2.

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Here is Part 2!

Anakin POV
We all sit in the beach with a fire as we watch the sun set and play a game of Truth or Dare...

"Ok I'll start Tup truth or dare?" Jesse said.


"Ok why do you have a man bun?"

"Because no other clone has one." Tup said. " Fives truth or dare?"


"I dare you to have a lightsaber battle with General Kenobi." Fives' face paled.

"O-Ok." He said clearly petrified.

I gave Fives my lightsaber and they fought it lasted a near 5 seconds before Fives was defeated.

"Umm Senator truth or dare?" Fives asked.


"Ok in a senate meeting how do get those amazing hairstyles?" Fives asked.

"It's a wig. It's way faster." She said. " Obiwan Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." He said.

"Is it true you and Satine were a thing cause I ship it?" Padme asked.

"We umm weren't anything." He said very flustered.

"Yeah right." I  said remembering that time on mandolore and on Staines ship.

"Ok then Anakin truth or Dare?" Obiwan said.

"Dare!" He said.

"Umm General is that the smartest thing to do, as you are on a beach and General Kenobi is giving you a dare." Kix said.

"Nah it will be fine." I said.

"Anakin.." Obiwan said with a malicious grin " I dare you to bury yourself in sand in the ground."

My heart stopped.

"W-What?" I said.

"you heard me now dig."

I dug a large hole. I entered it and filled it up getting sand in my mouth and hair and places the sun doesn't shine.

"Rex truth or dare?" I said from the hole I was in.

"Dare, Sir."

"I dare you to do the chubby bunny challenge with me." He said.

"Rex you have no chance." Fives said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Have you seen the General at this challenge his high score is thirty!"

"Thirty?!? Is that even possible?" I asked Fives just shrugged his shoulders.

Cody came out with marshmallows and we started.


It's goes on.


I am about to throw up but the General looks unfazed that he has about 9 marshmallows in his mouth.

I run to the sea and spit them out.

"I.... want.... to... beat..... my high score." He said. It kept going on. 20, 25, 30 he looked unwell he shoved one more in beating his score we cheered and clapped. And he ate them all.

We had a few more rounds of truth or dare. Then we start to roast marshmallows on the fire before putting it out. General Skywalker had fallen asleep in his hole muttering 'no sand please' in his sleep. We were all tired so we went back in the house.

It was 7:00 am when I heard a noise sounding like 'help' I looked out the window and saw the general still in that hole in the beach being attacked by seagulls. I woke up Cody and Ahsoka was already up so she just followed us as we ran out to see the general still in his hole.

We tried pulling him out all Ahsoka could do was just play with his Sandy hair. We started digging and managed to get him out. He looked traumatised.

"I n-never want to touch s-sand again." He said walking back inside.

Me and Cody just looked at each other.

"I feel kinda bad he was out there all night."

"He looks traumatised I'm not sure but he probably needs therapy." I said.

"I agree." He said. Ahsoka followed us in.

We all spent the day looking around the small town admiring its simplicity. Lots of photos. There was one of Ahsoka and the Twins all standing next to each other smiling with icecream. Then the next shot the shocked faces of all the children as Luke's icecream fell on the floor.

There was a photo of all the clones I front of this building. One with Padme and Satine siring on some steps smiling. One of me and Obiwan it goes on.

After a week we knew we had to back to the war but it was nice to have a break.

Anakin POV
We flew back to coruscant. To see a very mad Mace Windu.

"Where were you we have been!"

"On holiday. Relaxing you should try it some time." I said trying to walk past him.

"The whole temple was looking for you we thought you had ran away."

"Well that is what I'm doing now!" I said running inside.


And that is it! Sorry this was so late!

I have hockey match to play wish me luck! 🤞🏑

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