7. Cheese crackers

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Welcome back loves, let's read shall we?

Life's been shit.

Everyday my love for Alex grows, while he is dating a girl who is dropdead gorgeous.

A couple days after Alex returned home, I moved to my new apartment. It was all in a rush, since i blurred out that i found an apartment while I didn't. So the day after I said that, I looked online and luckily... I found one.

It's June 9th

Wich means tomorrow it's June 10th -> aka the day of the monkeys concert, and the day that Alex' girlfriend Olivia will come to Sheffield.

Shoot me already

Alex and I have been fine. After the "talk" we were a bit uncomfortable. But the morning after, everything felt nice again. He made me pancakes and we had a little jam session on his guitars.

No matter what, he always succeeds in making me feel good.

He's truly amazing.


"This was the last box Bel!" Sarah said after handing me a box full with decor items.

Sarah helped me move to my new apartment. Lucky for me, my sister 'Amelie' moved in with her boyfriend, and gave me some of her furniture.

The apartment was not the biggest, but I live on my own after all. Sarah helped me decorate it, and it turned out very cozy.

 Sarah helped me decorate it, and it turned out very cozy

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I wanna be yours... -ALEX TURNER- <3Where stories live. Discover now