24. Beat this

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Enjoy :)

Alex and I laid in bed for at least 2 hours.

We just held each other and cried some tears.

I told him everything I wanted to say, how sorry I was and how much I regretted what I did.

He apologised too, and we accepted each other.

It was a relieve.

We both made mistakes, but we knew, we both made them because we loved each other so deeply. (I know sounds weird but think about it, it's true.)

After a while he got up.

"I am going to clean the mess I made this night." He looked at me.

"Let me help you." I smile a bit.

"You really don't have to."

"I want to." I look him in the eyes. "Let's say, it's our fresh start, literally."

He smiles and helps me up.

"I promise that I will not fuck it up this time." He grabs my waist gently.

"And I will promise that I will not fuck up this time." I smile a bit and we both went in for a gentle, loving kiss.


Two weeks later...


Things are going great.

I moved back into Alex apartment after we forgave each other for our actions. Sarah came to help with unpacking my stuff and Alex apologised to Sarah. He felt responsible for the fact that Sarah always had to catch my back after an argument. But she accepted him and gave him a big hug.

Our little inner circle of friends (the monkeys, Sarah and I) all knew about what happened that night at Alex'. We all decided to hang out together a couple days later and he told them about it. He told us that he never wanted to get high again. And never be so stupid to hurt himself with smashing a beer bottle again.

So, present day, we decided to hang out again.

And go get tattoos.

"Are you nervous?" Sarah smiles as we all were walking down the street. (A bit drunk too, we went to the pub beforehand, which is not good if you want to get tattoos.)

"What are you going to get?" Matt looks at me.

"Pfff I have no idea... do you know what you are going to get?" I ask.

"Well, I am getting one of those tough guy heart tattoos on my right arm." He says proudly.

"And I, am going to get a little flower on my ankle. To honour my love for the spring season." Sarah smiles widely.

"Ugh that's so cute..." I smile and wobble drunkly.

"What are you gonna get Al?" Jamie asks.

"I am gonna go all in mate. I will get the Sheffield flower tattooed, right... here!" Alex said as as he points to his left arm.

"So you want to make it even more obvious that you're from Sheffield?" Nick jokes.

We all laugh.

"The accent alone is not enough" Alex joked.

This was nice, enjoying our nights with our bestfriends... I love it.

After we all told each other about what type of tattoos we were gonna get, we arrived at the shop.

"Who's first?" The tattoo-guy asked.

"Alex, steal the show my guy." Matt jokingly pushed Alex shoulder.

"Fine, fine." He rolls his eyes and stepped towards the stool.


We all got our tattoos, except for me.

I was last.

"So is this sketch to your liking?" The tattoo-guy asked as he showed me his sketch for my tattoo.

"There is something missing... wait, I know it."
I said as I went to get Alex, who was sitting in the seating area together with everyone else.

"Al, you need to help us."


I got my tattoo.

It was the letter "A" on the inside of my middle finger. Written in Alex' handwriting.

"So what stands it for?" Sarah asked while we all were once again, walking on the street. With our tattoos fresh on our skins.

"The A stands for my sister Amélie." I say.

"Oh fuck off, it's for Alex i'nnit?" Jamie jokes.

"Shut uppp." I laugh as I push Jamies shoulder and he loses his balance.

He fell on the side walk and he wasn't hurt or anything, so we all laughed.

"Oh I am gonna get you." He said as he got up again and trows me over his shoulder.

"JAMIE NOOO." I laugh and scream as I was hanging over his shoulder.

"I am going to rescue you, my princess." Alex puts on a funny voice and he walks to Jamie and me.

"Beat me bitch." Jamie says to Alex.

"I FUCKING CAN't HAHAHA." Sarah was almost laying on the ground and Matt and Nick had to help her stand. (Again, drunk)

Alex laughs and rolls his eyes.

"Okay then, beat this." Alex grabs his little guitar pick out of his jeans pocket and holds it between his fingers, like it's a sword.

"Oh, you shouldn't have." Jamie grabs his guitar pick aswell, while I was still hanging over his shoulder.

"En garde!"

Both guys were imitating like they were battling each other, like fooking children.

"Do you know were to get my paycheck for babysitting that child?" I ask Sarah jokingly.

"I WON!" Alex yells as he managed to flick away Jamies guitar pick.

"Here is your price." Jamie puts me down and hangs his head low, like a defeated man.

"Most precious price ever." Alex smiles and grabs my waist.

I kiss him on the cheek.

"Thank you my knight!" I joke

We all laugh, once again.

AHAHAHA Sorry I can't get over the "beat me bitch" while I wrote it myself.

I wanna be yours... -ALEX TURNER- <3Where stories live. Discover now