10. wrists

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Enjoy :))

(Alex' pov)

She is beautiful.

I was thinking to myself as I saw Bella ariving at the party.

She was wearing a glittery dress and gator skin boots, an topped it of with a panter coat.

Typical Bella...
She always rocks every outfit.

"Hey you." Bella smiled and walked up to me.

I had a martini in my hand and was listening to some music while Olivia was talking to Brian.

"Here let me grab that for you darling." I said as I gently slipped the panter coat of Bella her shoulders.

"Thank you Al." She said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. And looked in my eyes afterwards.


"So, what do you want to drink Bells? I asked when I snapped back into reality.

"Surprise me Al." She smiled.

I walked towards the kitchen and grabbed everything I needed to make the best Margarita I could.


(Bella's pov)

"Bella, sweetie! How are you?" Olivia said as she went in for a hug. She had clearly drunk a lot before I came here. Her eyelids were hanging down.

"Good to see you too Olivia! Here, let me introduce you to my friends, you already know Sarah right? I said as I introduced her to Mona and Louise.

"So nice to meet you all." She said while having a hard time standing without falling.

How is she already this drunk?

"Hello ladies." Brian said as he walked up to us, and laid his arm around Olivia's waist.

My god, he's drunk too?

We were only an hour later then the rest since it took us girls a bit longer to get ready.

But, whatever.

"You guys look like you two are becoming good friends right?" I ask

"I love Brian!" Olivia smiles as she lays her head against his chest.


"Here are your margaritas my ladies." Alex said as he joined our little circle.

"Thank you so much Al." I smile.

He smiles and looks over to Olivia. He looks a bit defeated and akward as he sees her laughing with Brian.

"I am going for a smoke." He said as he walked to the balcony.

I don't like seeing him like this...


"3....2....1! Go!" Mona shouted as Louise, Sarah, Nick, Jamie and I downed our shots.

I was getting a bit tipsy.

"My gosh guys I need to lie down for a second." I mumbled as everything around me was spinning.

"Here let me help you get to my guest bedroom, you can lay down there if you want to." Jamie said politely.

"That'll be nice, thank you Jamie." I smiled.

We walked to the stairs and I saw Alex talking to Matt. He looked a bit down to be honest.

I hope he's okay

I wanna be yours... -ALEX TURNER- <3Where stories live. Discover now