37. Going back to 505

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Okay I lied, the last chapter wasn't the end

(I truly owe you guys an apology oops, sorry, I am aware of the fact that it's been half a year since the last chapter came out)

But lucky for y'all horny ass bitches out there that needed another chapter, here it is :))


4 months later...

I knocked on a dark wooden door. It had a number plate on it, saying: "505"

This was his apartment.

The door swung open.

"Hey Bel, great to see you again!"

I smiled as Alex welcomed me into his new apartment in Sheffield.

"Yeah, it's been a while hasn't it? Apart from all the phone calls of course." I said while taking of my coat. "Lovely apartment you have here."

Alex smiled. "Here let me hang that up for you." He grabbed my coat.

"Oh, thanks." I smiled. "How was the uh.. the Tranquility base hotel and casino tour?"

He chuckled. "Well, it was great! I am really proud of the whole thing, really."

"As you should be." I looked him in the eyes. "I am glad you're back."

He looked to the ground. "You have no idea how much I wanted to see you again." He smiled. "The last time was back in London right?."

I touched his arm, which made him look me into the eyes. "That was such a fun hangout."

Alex tilted his head. "It was, wasn't it?

"I am also glad we worked the whole 'I've hated you for five years' thing out" I giggled

"Yeah I'm glad you finally wanted to hear me out." He played along

I sighed. "Okay maybe I was being a bit dramatic, but you were an ass in my opinion back then."

Alex gave me a kiss on my cheek. "I know, I'm sorry."

I smiled as my cheeks turned red.

Alex smiled a bit. "So, do you want a cup of tea?"


We walked into, what seemed to be, his living room. It was grand but cozy. In the corner of my eye, I spotted his vinyl record collection.

He noticed that, obviously.

"You can check it out if you want to, you know that right?" He smiled

"I mean, if you insist." I joked.

Alex laughed and walked behind me.

I looked trough every record and smiled.

"Bel?" Alex said.

I looked behind me, seeing Alex standing there.

"Yes?" I asked.

Alex took a deep breath. "Do you think we could make it work again?"

"Make what work Al?" I asked.

Alex looked down and then stared deeply in my eyes. "You know... make us work again?"

I stepped away from the vinyl record and took Alex' hand. "If you saying that you never stopped loving me is true, then I suppose we can." I smiled.

"So you're ready to try it again?" Alex smiled really widely.

I smiled too. "Well, i've never taken the ring off that you gave me in Paris... so consider it a yes."

"You have no idea how much I've wanted you back." Alex laid his fingers on my chin and lifted my head to look right into his eyes.

I smiled softly.

"I love you."

"And I love you."

Okay I'm done, hope you liked it babes

Byeeeee <33

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