9. gator skin boots

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Enjoy sweeties :)

3 months later...

Life's been good

The welcome home party after the concert was great. We had tons of fun, and Alex and I talked the whole evening, just catching up on how tour was in America and stuff like that.

The arctic monkeys went back on the road after a week, and Alex invited Olivia to join him on tour so they could spent lots of time together.

I was very happy for them. Olivia was the sweetest and I saw Alex' love for her grow everyday. He mentioned her every time we facetimed each other.

It was better this way.

Besides, I moved on.

I started enjoying living the single live. After being in al relationship with Brian for years, I felt unstoppable. I could do whatever I want.

To make sure I wouldn't get bored while Alex was on tour with Olivia, I stayed at Mona's house for a while.

She gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, and I helped her with preparing the baby room, and helped her with chores in the house.

Her fiancé Sam was in the military and a month after their son was born, he had to go on a mission in Syria.

So I decided to help Mona out.

Sarah and Louise came to.

It was a lot of fun. Mona was recovering, and me and the girls did most of the cooking and cleaning.

I still called or facetimed Alex at least twice a week. I missed him a lot.


"We'll come home soon Bella, we have about a week off." Alex said as we were once again, calling.

"Really? That's amazing! I can't wait to see you again Al." I smiled

"Jamie is trowing a little party when we'll get back, just for some friends and family." Alex mentioned. "He told me to invite you and the girls if they wanted to. But I don't know if Mona's ready yet."

"Can't wait, I'll ask her." I smiled even more.

He always makes sure everyone is okay.


"Alex!!" I ran to him as he arrived at the gate.

They were home again for a week. And it was my job to pick Alex and Olivia up from the airport.

We gave each other a big hug.

"Bella... I've missed you darling." Alex gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"It's great to see you Bella." Olivia smiled.

"Olivia! Good to see you aswell! How was tour with the boys?" I asked while smiling.

"Surprisingly well. They sure are weirdos tho." She laughed while Alex rolled his eyes smiling.

"Shall we go?" I said while grabbing my bag from the bench I waited on.

"Let's get out of here." Alex smiled.


"Hello guys!"
Brian said as he was standing outside the car.

"Brian! Great to see you, what are you doing here?" Alex said surprised as we walked to the car.

"Bella's car had some problems so she called me and asked me if I wanted to drive her to here and give you guys a lift." Brian smiled

"Yeah, silly me. I forgot to stop by the gasstation and now my car's dead."
I looked down laughing.

"Crazy little Bella." Alex smirked.

We all got in the car and drove to Alex' apartment to drop them of.


(Alex' pov)

We talked a lot while driving home. I introduced Olivia to Brian since they didn't get the change to meet each other yet.

I didn't even think they would, since I thought Brian was out of Bella's live.

"So, are you guys back together or something?" I asked.

"God Alex, no. Brian and I decided to be friends, like, months ago." Bella smiled at me. "Didn't I tell you that?"

"Uhm probably, I guess I forgot." I smiled back. "Good for you two."

She smiled.

She's gorgeous.

Crap, I love Olivia, stop having these thoughts you idiot.

"Here we are, see you guys at Jamie's tonight?" Brian said as we pulled up in Alex' street.

"Yes, we can't wait." Olivia said.


(Bella's pov)

"Are you sure you want to come?" I ask

"Yes totally! I haven't seen the guys in a while, and my body is doing great." Mona said as we were getting ready for the party at Jamie's house that night.

"You are so lucky you have a nice sister who is willing to babysit your son on a Saturday night." Louise said as she was applying mascara to her eyelashes.

"We get it Louise, you're sister sucks bla bla bla." Sarah joked.

Louise pushed Sarah's shoulder and rolled her eyes while laughing.

I missed this. Us four friends getting ready to get fucked up at a party.

"I bought this sleek red little dress months ago, before I got pregnant. You should try it on Sarah." Mona said.

"Hell yes that looks amazing." Sarah smiled and took the red dress from Mona.

"So what will you wear sweetie?" Louise asked Mona.

"Something comfortable, I don't want to attrack al the attention to my beautiful post baby body, duh." Mona joked.

We all laughed and took sips from our wine. (Mona took a sip from her strawberry juice)

"Guys, what do you think of this?" I ask as I grabbed a glittery black dress and some black gator skin boots.

"Fabulous as always." Louise smiled.

"Omg, omg, omg. You should totally wear that panter 🐆 coat on top!" Sarah said excitedly.

"Oh. Hell. Yes." Mona said. "Alex would love it!"

"Mona please, I am over him. He's happy with Olivia and so am I. Gosh I am so glad I never told him about the kiss..." I said while slipping in the glittering black dress.

"Oh please, we could all tell he was in love with you aswell." Sarah mentioned.

"I don't know guys. He's happy now, and so am I. Truly." I smiled.

"Sure Bella, sure." Louise teased.


End of this chapter. Are you guys ready for the next chapter? Let's get the party started.

I wanna be yours... -ALEX TURNER- <3Where stories live. Discover now