11. bruises

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Let's find out what will happen next

It's been days.

I haven't talked to Alex since the party last saturday.

I didn't really want to

He had hurt me.


(Alex' pov)

I was making my way to the studio.

Bella and I haven't talked for days. It feels like absolute shit, but she tried to break me and Olivia up for her own fucking happiness.

I'm tired of her.

Olivia told me what happened. Apparently, Bella was wasted and walked up to Olivia and started yelling at her.

I never knew this side of Bella.

I hope she can fucking control herself in the future.

"Alex, how are you?" Jamie asked when I arrived at the studio.

"I'm fine, let's just start writing and get this over with." I snap a bit for no reason. I am just hangover. The last couple of days I've been drinking again. I know it's bad, but so is life at the moment.

"Al I haven't got the chance to talk to you but I really need to tell you something." Jamie said.

"What is it Jamie?" I look at him.

"I don't know what happened between you and Bella, but she wasn't lying. I saw Olivia and Brian too." Jamie looked me in the eyes at all seriousness.

"What are you talking about?" I shake my head a little.

"You saw me bringing Bella upstairs to lay her down to rest in the guest bedroom, but instead, we walked in on Olivia and Brian kissing in there underpants. I am truly sorry mate." Jamie said.

What the hell?

"Did Bella tell you to say this to me so I would look like the bad guy?" I look away.

"No Alex, I am really fucking serious. I hate seeing you two fight." Jamie said.

"Well shit..." I look down. "Fuck I've hurt her."

"I saw her yesterday at the supermarket. I've never seen her like this before Al. She's fucking broken. Not to mention, her wrists are all bruised."

Fuck I bruised her

"Shit, shit shit. Jamie I need to fucking know if you're lying or not." I look at him.

"Call Olivia and ask what really happened." Jamie said.

"Okay, that makes sense."

I dial in Olivia's number.

"Hey honey, how are you?" Olivia sounds happy.

"Did you fuck Brian?" I snapped

"What the hell Alex." Olivia sounds shocked

"Don't fucking lie to me Olivia, tell me the truth right now."

Olivia told the truth.

Fuck my life

I smashed my phone on the ground and sat down on the sofa, covering my head with my hands.

"Did she tell you?" Jamie asks after a while.

"I can't believe her... Do you fucking know how bad I feel for Bella right now? I told her I didn't trust her and bruised her. I am a fucking idiot." I look up at Jamie with water filling up my eyes.

"I fucked up Jamie."

"I pushed the love of my life away."


Short but important chapter babes

I wanna be yours... -ALEX TURNER- <3Where stories live. Discover now