Oh my gosh

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Oh my gosh Jack might come over today but i don't want him to be over here. Last time a boy came over Katie thought it was a good idea to tell everyone at school that we were together ❤ kinda I don't know..i might just have him not stay over and just hang out.  I'm not even really boy crazy right now ever since I broke up with Spencer I don't get it. Some boys just want to date me but I don't want to date them because I'm not really into a relationship right now I just want to focus on my family and that's it. Katie and Aiden broke up she's been kind of upset about that I know how she feels because when me and Spencer broke up and kind of hurt. A lot of things happened last year and this year and many years before that but nothing is compared to this. Jack and I are still friends we are not dating Katie would go nuts if we were because she knows that I don't want to be in a relationship right now and he knows the same thing. I feel like the past people I dated like Dylan and Spencer they just didn't make me feel like myself so I'm not going to take my chances with Jack. Know if he were to beg me to date him me Maybe.

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