1. venus flytrap

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Liked by valkyrae and 207,737 othersvenusflytrap: i will be streaming at 8 pm! (dw i have been practicing so i won't embarrass myself in front of my new friends)

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Liked by valkyrae and 207,737 others
venusflytrap: i will be streaming at 8 pm! (dw i have been practicing so i won't embarrass myself in front of my new friends)

View all 3,937 comments

valkyrae: god bless french women
     |venusflytrap: stop

user1: you are literally so pretty

sykkuwu: so excited!
     |venusflytrap: omg me too

disguisedtoast: cant wait
     |venusflytrap: pls keep me alive

user2: i cant believe you got famous for JUST being pretty, it's so unfair to actual good players
     |valkyrae: imagine being jealous of someone else's success... couldn't be me
     |venusmartinteam: she does exploring videos lol and she has been around for a while, she just recently blew up again bc she played among us with pewdiepie

pewdiepie: you literally suck :p
     |venusflytrap: choke on my dick

user3: slut

[ y o u t u b e ]

"Fuck, shit, there's someone here." Venus covered her mouth and nose with her hand, barely breathing and trying to keep calm.

Corpse watched as the dark haired girl talked at the camera with a panicked voice.

"I should've brought Colby with me..." She mumbled at herself.

The video then cuts to a clip of the ground and her voice explaining she was a youtuber. Then a man with a distorted voice says she needs to be careful and lets her go.

The black-haired man looked through his chat and smiled when he read a 'Watch the one were she gets arrested with Sam and Colby!'

"That's actually how I found her... their mugshots were all over Twitter" He paused the video and scrolled through his questions. "Who's my celebrity crush? Oh... uhm- probably Venus Martin, she's, uh, she's pretty or whatever." He felt his face go red. "No one says a word about this. I swear if she ever finds out..."

[ i n s t a g r a m ]

Liked by corpse_husband and 576,847 othersvenusflytrap: new apartment! would you guys like to see an apartment tour when im done moving?

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Liked by corpse_husband and 576,847 others
venusflytrap: new apartment! would you guys like to see an apartment tour when im done moving?

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venusmartinteam: im in love with you

corpse_fanpage: who else is here from the stream?
|user2: me😭😭
|user3: me🤡
|user4: ...me and now i want 2 die bc she's fucking beautiful

|venusflytrap: huh?
|corpsesbride: corpse said in his stream that you are his youtube/instagram crush
|user5: @corpsesbride he just said he thought she was pretty... i don't see why tho

valkyrae: what a goddess
|venusflytrap: no you🥺

user6: wow you are gorgeous

[ t w i t t e r]

sweet cherry pie @venusmartin 5h

who's corpse?
5k Retweets 476 Quote Tweets

Corpse Husband @Corpse_Husband 7h

💬1k 🔁1.1k ❤️15k
sweet cherry pie @venusmartin 10h

hello sir
💬1.1 🔁900 ❤️23.1k

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