27. tea for my favorite boy

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She walks towards him with two cups in her hands. His heart actually flutters as she sits down besides him and kisses his cheek.

"Chamomile tea for my favorite boy." Venus picks a piece from the croissant they're sharing. "What have you been up to?"

"I've been writing a lot... for other artists mainly." He shrugs. "Gaming, streaming, you know how that is."

"It's very time consuming." They nod at the same time. "It's good you like it."

"Yeah, I'm grateful I can do what I love. And you? You've been inactive."

"I'm actually editing a three-part series I filmed like two weeks ago. I'm dropping a the trailer tonight, actually." She talks excitedly. "Then I'm going to Poveglia Island, it's abandoned and the story about that place is absolutely insane."

"Tell me about it." Corpse says as he puts a lock of hair behind her ear so he can look at her face better. "I love when you talk about things you like, your eyes get all shiny and you stumble on your words, it's cute."

"Well, it's a small abandoned island, however, that's now what I'm excited about." Venus takes a sip from her hot chocolate. "There is this asylum where doctors used to do all kinds of experiments and shady stuff, we want to see the hospital, feel the vibes, pay our respects, maybe light a candle." She sips some more from her cup.

"You got something..." He inches closer to her, their hot breaths creating vapor. Corpse smirks. "I'll clean you up."

Their lips come in contact with each other, tasting the other one's beverage on their lips.

"You taste really good." He backs off. "How much sugar is in that shit?"

"A fuckton."

"Let me check." He goes in for another kiss, forgetting they're in a street-cafe in the middle of Paris.

Parisians, however, could not care less. So when they break apart and their breaths are heavy, no one bats an eye. He mentions that and she smiles.

"We could fuck right now and they wouldn't even turn their heads." Venus licks her lips.

"Want to test that?" He whispers in her ear.

"Fuck off." The blonde hits him jokingly.


[i n s t a g r a m]

(corpse_husband): venusflytrap posted in her story!

(corpse_husband): venusflytrap posted in her story!

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You replied:


so who's the lucky guy

some dumbass
he is pretty amazing tho

got room for one more?

corpse is the only one for me

you're the only one for me too

secret love song [corpse husband]Where stories live. Discover now