4. is it working?

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[ i m e s s a g e ]
SEP 13, 7:22 p.m.

xxx-xxx-xxxx: heyy
it's corpse btw

venus: omg hi
i thought you would never text me
took you a while

corpsey: yeah
i was gathering courage

venus: courage? to text me?

corpsey: you intimidate me
a lot

venus: why

corpsey: you are scary

venus: lol what

corpsey: i mean
you are really pretty
i was nervous

venus: you're funny
thanks i guess
i watched your stream last night! it was really funny when you couldn't do the card thingy

corpsey: fuck that's so embarrassing

venus: it's cute

corpsey: yeah?

venus: tell me something about you
you are a very interesting person

corpsey: oh am i?

venus: yes sir

corpsey: well
what do you want to know?

venus: whatever you feel comfortable telling me :)

corpsey: i like whiskey
i don't really drink it anymore

venus: oh you drink?
how old are you?

corpsey: 23

venus: i just turned 21 a month ago

corpsey: oh
happy birthday then :)
did you do anything fun?

venus: my friends threw me a party, it was so much fun
colby rented a mechanic bull and everyone got drunk

corpsey: sounds cool
i don't really like going out
i rather stay at my apartment and play games

venus: well
good thing i can do both

corpsey: are you flirting with me?

venus: that depends
is it working?

corpsey: ...yes

venus: then i am :)

corpsey: cool :)

SEP 15, 3:12 a.m.

corpsey: hi

venus: why are you up so late?

corpsey: fuck i didn't even noticed the time
were you sleeping?

venus: i'm editing a video
your message came right at the perfect time actually
i needed a distraction

corpsey: oh then
how are you?

venus: incredibly tired.
but im excited, the place i went was amazing
it had this weird victorian architecture
it's so fucking incredible how you can find so much beauty in broken places like this.
i fell tho, so i won't be filming in a while :(

corpsey: you really love what you do huh
wdym you fell? are you okay?

venus: i fucking love what i do
the building was really old and the floor was kinda damaged so when i walked through it, it sort of
collapsed i guess
and and i broke my foot so
seems like i will be streaming a lot

corpsey: were you alone?

venus: yes

corpsey: why

venus: what do you mean why
no one wants to go to this places with me

corpsey: what about colby?

venus: he's a pussy

corpsey: i can go with you
i can be your camera man

venus: you are funny

corpsey: im serious

venus: wait actually?
what if you hurt yourself?
forget it
i can do it by myself, its not even dangerous

corpsey: then if it's not dangerous why can't i come with you?

venus: ...
you got me there

SEP 16, 9:08 p.m.

venus: heyyyy
what are you doing?
i bought some stuff and i need help setting it up
where do i connect the microphone
how do i know im live?
where can i buy a pretty keyboard
does size matter?

corpsey: 1. im doing absolutely nothing
2. there should be a sloth
3. check the screen
4. i'll send you the link to a website
5. are you talking about dicks?

venus: can we ft? if you are not comfortable yet i can call pewds and ask him
also, i wasn't talking about dicks i was talking about the mouse
BUT does dick size matter?
i feel like
it depends on your game yk? if its kinda small but you know how to use it, it doesn't matter that much

corpsey: i mean
i guess?
and answering to your first question, yes we can ft

SEP 17, 1:32 a.m.

v🖤:  thank you so much for your help
good night, c

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