18. break a mirror, glass shatter

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"Hey, hi..." He slurred out his words.

"Did you mean to call me?" She asks confused.

"Of course." He answers. "I, uh, I miss you."


"And I'm sorry, I'm so sorry baby."

Venus stays silent as she realizes he's been drinking.

"So you still think about me when you're drunk, huh?" The blonde haired tries to joke, avoiding what he just said.

"I always think about you, Venus."

And that's it, she cannot do it anymore.

"You're not being fair." Her voice is shaky. "Why did you..." Venus can't bring herself to finish the sentence.

"You deserve so much better..." then he corrects himself. "Someone better."

"I don't fucking want anyone else, I don't want someone better, C... Even if I could be with anyone, I'd still choose you." She's angry now, Corpse flinches at her words, that bottle of whiskey just makes his mind a blur, but the nerves are gone. "Fuck I don't know why I even bother, you won't even remember in the morning."

"I'm sorry." He says in that deep raspy tone of his. "I just want you to know I wish I never left your apartment on Thanksgiving. I... I've thought about it and- fuck!" She hears glass shattering from his end of the call. "Shit, shit, shit."

"Corpse? What happened? Are you okay?" He mumbles something and curses a bit more. "Corpse!"

"I think I broke a mirror... there's blood, I think." He doesn't sound like he's in pain, for once, she thanks the alcohol in his system. "Is it mine?" He asks to himself but Venus still hears.

"Are you bleeding?" Her heart is beating faster.

"I- shit. Yeah, I think so."

"You think so?!"

"I can't concentrate! It's all blurry and... and hearing your voice- just- I can't concentrate." He must have drank a lot if he's not sobering up at this point.

"Call 911, please." She ignores what he said about her voice.

"Hold on."

Then there's silence. So he must've put her on another line or something like that because he comes back a few minutes later.

"Venus?" He sounds hopeful, like a child.

"I'm still here." The girl answers and he let's a sigh of relief.

"Would you stay with me while the paramedics arrive?" Corpse asks and she says yes. "I... I wrote a song about you."

"Oh yeah? What's it called?" She's crying, and she really hopes he doesn't hear the straining in her voice.

"Miss you. With an exclamation mark."

"Nice touch."

They stay silent for a moment, it's uncomfortable to the point she almost hangs up. There's so much and nothing to say it's almost painful.

"I'm sorry I miss you." The way he apologizes for missing her is what makes her give in.

"I miss you too."

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