Chapter 21: Fighting For Their Lives (Part 2)

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Alice skips around the building, looking out of the windows as she sees a figure that stands outside of the gates, waiting to come in. She glares at the person who looks back at her with a blank gaze. 

"I'll deal with you in just a moment. Now stay where you are." Alice warns Raven, even if they can't hear each other. She's still sending out that warning to the woman she hates the most. She loses sight of Raven as she starts looking for the other students as she waits for the "final girls" of this day.


"Well, come at us, or are you afraid? Can you three even handle me?" Gluttony smirks as she looks at the trio who hasn't moved from their spot. Scarlet glances over at Gluttony who looks beyond furious as she looks at Eyeless Jack.

"Harlie said we need to rescue Carrie and Yuki-"

"There's no point, those two will not betray that evil bitch." Yuki and Carrie smile, showing her just how right Gluttony is. They nod their heads and run into the smoke, they are lost among it, but reappear as they clothesline Scarlet into the smoke.

"Scarlet!" Gluttony tries to reach for her companion, but it's like she disappeared from where they were. She gasps and winces as a scalpel hits the back of her head. She pulls it out of her skull and turns to look back at Eyeless Jack. 

"So, that's your choice. I'm going to eat you up and-"

"Don't you get it, Gluttony? I want you here with us. You just have to give up your heart so we can be together forever." Eyeless Jack tells her sweetly, his frown disappears as he looks at her gently. Well, as much as she can tell since he doesn't have eyes anyway. It almost softens up her resolve before she starts to hear explosions around her.

"You don't have to be bound to that evil woman! We could have been together without her help! You-"

"Without that evil woman, I wouldn't exist. She created this host for me and now I can live in this world to do as I please and devour all that I want. Without her, we wouldn't be standing here before each other." Gluttony looks at him, her chest aches, but she doesn't let those emotions overwhelm her.

"Then you can fucking stay with her... though, I'll eat her up and none of you will see her again!" Gluttony flies at Eyeless Jack, he steps back into the smoke and disappears like the others. Gluttony roars in frustration, her obsidian wings spread out to their full length and she starts to flap them, the smoke around her begins to move.

"Oh dear, she's trying to clear away my smoke. Oh well, it should be alright soon." Carrie bounces up and down on Scarlet's back, blood spills out of her mouth as she crushes her ribs into her organs. 

"Yes, now stop bouncing on her! You're wasting good blood!" Yuki scolds the red head who pouts and jumps off Scarlet who doesn't move at all. She nudges her with her foot, but she doesn't budge.

"Looks like we knocked her out. Better get her then before she wakes up."

"Eh? She's not dead?"

"No dummy! She's immortal! We went through this before! Carrie, can't you be less scatter brained?!" She giggles and sticks her tongue out at Yuki who looks at her disgusted. They look back down at Scarlet, but just as quickly look away as Gluttony yells at them to get their attention. 

"Aww crap..." They both prepare for Gluttony flying at them at full speed, but they get knocked away with a fierce kick each from Scarlet to their chins. Gluttony grabs her legs and tosses her up into the air. Scarlet gets herself back up right and looks down at the smoke below them. She smirks as she spots Eyeless Jack running around in the smoke below. She holds two katanas in an "X" formation on her chest, falling right towards the destination that Eyeless Jack runs.

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