Chapter 15: Insanity's Hatred Of Evil

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"Alright, talk, how did you do it?" Harlie slams her hands on Alice's desk. Harlie had lost sleep the previous night as she tried to figure out possible answers to what she did. To figure out who was involved in this game.

Alice glances over at her with her usual, unfaltering grin. Alice reaches her hand out, and plays around with a lock of Harlie's pink and blue hair. She lets Alice touch her hair, just to see if she'd be more considerate and tell her. Alice giggles, and her eyes flash the yellow color of Mr. Scare's eyes again.

"Do what, dear?" Alice questions her, innocently enough. Harlie frowns and Alice's grin broadens. "Curious kitty wants to know how I sacrificed Mr. Scaredy, right?" Alice questions as she tilts her head to the side. Harlie nods her head. 

"You were locked up, did Laughing Jack release you and put you back in before we were called back to the homeroom?" Alice sighs amused, and her eyes flash red as she recalls the details.

"He's a monster, and you're Alice of Human Sacrifice." Alice giggles some more, and Harlie pulls at Alice's bang, making her face her. "Tell me!" She insists. 

"Alice doesn't discriminate. Anyone can be her victim. That was just a catchy name so Alice took it." She says in a sing song voice as she takes her bang away from Harlie. 

"How did you kill him?" Alice puts her index finger to the center of Harlie's forehead.

"Even dreams can be deadly." Harlie didn't have to question her after that. She quickly processed what she meant. 

"You can kill someone in their dreams? What are you Freddy Kruger?!" Harlie questions her, still not buying the whole killing in dreams story. 

"I don't think Curious Kitty wants to know if Alice is lying or not." Alice stands up, and skips towards the exit of the classroom, the bell ringing as she opens the door.

"Wait right there, Psycho Bitch! I want you to answer a couple questions!" Blood yells out as she sidesteps Alice. Alice yawns at Blood's grip on her dress. 

"Are you going to ask me more boring questions?" Alice questions Blood. 

"How did you kill him?! How did you kill Mr. Scare?!" Blood questions Alice, who rolls her reddish-brown eyes, and removes Blood's hand on her dress.

"How about I do this?" Alice cups her hands around her mouth, and takes a deep breath. 

"ALICE OF HUMAN SACRIFICE KILLED MR. SCAREDY IN HIS DREAMS! SO NO MORE STUPID QUESTIONS!" Alice's loud voice echoes through the whole school causing a slight rumble, and causing students to exit out of the rooms. Alice grins at Blood, and she skips away. Everyone that was closer to her suffered from popped or ruptured ear drums.

Alice bends back and snaps her spine as an obsidian wing tries to strike her. "Hm, I always have a hard time putting myself back together when that happens." Alice says with a giggle filling her voice. She flips over on her stomach, and her spine reconnects. She stands up with a jump, and looks over at Gluttony, who glares at her. Alice's grin broadens, and then she looks past her.

"Eyeless Jack. . .Have you brought a new member in?" Alice questions him, tilting her head to the side, her mouth bleeding out as her neck bone hits a vein in her neck. 


"Oh! I get it!" Alice says with a chuckle. A long river of blood spilling out before it stops suddenly.

"What are you supposed to be?" Gluttony questions Alice. 

"The embodiment of evil. Something incurable unlike insanity that can be controlled." Alice says with a large grin before looking over at Eyeless Jack. "I hope you don't mind what I do later." Gluttony looks over at him, wishing she could see what his eyes were saying at whatever Alice is talking about. 

"I don't." He answers her. Adding more mystery and confusion as to what Alice truly lives by. What kind of influence does she hold? Gluttony heard she was one of the new students that joined before her, but it's like so many people are familiar with her. They obey her like as is they've known her that much longer.

"See ya, have fun with Fat- Haha, Oops, I mean Gluttony!" Alice skips away just as Gluttony casts her claws out at her. "Too slow!" Alice says without bothering to turn back. Her hair bouncing up and down as she skips towards the library of the academy.

When Alice opens the door she is greeted with a knife being flinged right at the area her heart should be at. Alice looks down at the knife, and chuckles.

"Nice to see you too, Jeff." She says pulling it out, and licking off her blood until it's clean, and hands it back to Jeff. "Aw, Laughing Jack, now I can say it, why so serious?" Alice questions the glaring Gothic clown. Alice chuckles, and twirls out of the way as Yuki tries to hug her. 

"Ah, ah, ah, bad Yuki." Alice says putting her hands behind her back.

"Alice, you're so unfair!" Yuki complains. Alice grins, and looks towards the library door to find Carrie make her entrance. She runs towards Yuki and hugs her. "At least Carrie cares." Yuki says hugging her back. 

"Hence the name, now where is Zalgo and Slenderman?" Alice questions putting a finger to her chin.

"What about Eyeless Jack?" Carrie questions. 

"He's coming. Don't worry. He just has to deal with something first." Alice explains to her. 

"Like?" Yuki and Carrie question. Alice grins. 

"Oh nothing much really. I guess trying to build a bond between insanity and evil, but that will never work." Alice says bending back to look at the Pasta's with her.

"I thought insanity and evil went well together." Laughing Jack questions. 

"On the contrary, my dear. Not one bit because evil always overrules insanity. Insanity dislikes being controlled while evil remains unfazed." Alice says as she sits on the desk. The door opens to reveal Eyeless Jack and Zalgo.

"You're late, boys." Alice says with a dark grin. 

"Forgive us my lady, I was fetching him, but it seems there was a bit of a hindrance." Zalgo says to her with his English speaking mouth. Alice swings her legs back and forth and nods. 

"Attachments, Eyeless Jack, be careful." Alice says tilting her head to the left. Her eyes glowing red.

"Slendy, come on out of there." Alice says looking towards the bookshelf beside her. He contorts his body to it's tall and slender self, and bows before Alice. She grins, and looks at the library door. 

"Sorry, the rest is a secret. She'll have to stop here." Alice sticks her tongue out and the library door shuts. . .

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