Chapter 6: Why So Serious?-Alice Of Human Sacrifice

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"One, two, three, four!" Alice counts the tiles on the ground as she skips down the halls in her free hour. Students roaming the halls step aside at the skipping girl. She stops at the center of the Creepypasta Academy emblem, and watches her knee length black skirt sway around before stopping. She fixes up her bloody apron, and looks up at the ceiling. Waiting for something to happen. It doesn't.

"Mr. Scaredy!" The goblin jumps at the sound of Alice's voice. She waves at him. He backs away as she starts to skip towards him. Her black flats hardly making a sound. Before Alice can reach Mr. Scare someone catches her around the waist. She looks at the black and white stripped sleeves. She giggles, and twists her head back .

"Aw, you found me. So soon too. Well that's no fun." Alice says twisting her head back in place. 

"Well, you can fool anyone, but you can't fool me. You made it too easy." Laughing Jack whispers into her ear. She tilts her head to the side, and smiles innocently. Watching Mr. Scare run off.

"Won't be long now." Alice says. Understanding what she means herself. Laughing Jack is left to wonder what the insane murderess means though.

Alice removes his arms from around her before turning to face him. "I can't fool you? I think I can. I think I can." She nears his black lips, and stops a few inches away. "I can!" Alice pulls back, and giggles. She twirls until her back is to him. She looks back at him for an instant before skipping away from him.

"A girl in denial. How cute." He chuckles, and turns the other way to continue the 'chase'.

"Curious Kitty!" Harlie jumps as Alice pops in front of her book. She frowns at the giggling girl. "Why so serious, Curious Kitty?" Alice questions her. 

"I'm not a kitty!" She tells her as she puts the book back in front of her. Alice shrugs, and sits on the table. "Can't you sit on a chair like a proper student?" Harlie questions, not taking her eyes off her book. 

"Not at all." Alice says swinging her legs back and forth.

"What are you doing here, anyway, Alice?" Harlie questions her. Alice runs a hand through her blood red bang. 

"I'm playing a fun game of chase!" She tells her. Harlie lifts her eyes from her book. She finally said something that piqued her interest.

"Game of chase? With who?" She questions. Alice opens her mouth to answer, but she hears the library door open.

"Oops! Sorry, Curious Kitty, gotta run!" Alice jumps off, and takes the exit on the other side of the library. Harlie looks over at Laughing Jack. He waves at her before following after Alice. Harlie follows him with her eyes until he exits. She arches an eyebrow. Not sure how to take that.

"Five, six, seven, eight!" Alice once more returns to the middle of the academy. She looks from side to side. She hears his familiar footsteps. She giggles, and skips the opposite direction she had just come from. 

"Can't catch me! I'm Alice of Human Sacrfice!" She stops, and puts a finger to her chin. "That's not so catchy." She sighs, and shakes her head. She starts skipping again, away from Laughing Jack.

Alice stops in the computer lab, and steps in. The room is empty, but the computers are filled with cyber ghosts, who are out to destroy the sanity of those unfortunate humans that come across them. She stops in front of a computer. She touches the screen, and sees blood running off of the screen.

"Oh! Blood is in there!" Alice says with a chuckle. "Hm, what to do?" Alice presses her whole hand on the screen. Clearing the blood away to find Blood already ripping out her victim's intestines. Alice giggles at the sight, but it seems the giggle came to Blood's attention. She turns abruptly back to the computer screen to find Alice there. She frowns, and flings her knife at Alice. Catching her dead center on her head. Splitting open her skull. Her eyes, ears, mouth, and nose bleed out as Alice starts to laugh.

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