Chapter 7: I Can Put You To Sleep With My Lullaby -Harlie Johnson

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"Hey, Harlie! Have you seen the crazy bitch named Alice?" Jane the Killer questions Harlie, who rolls her eyes at the disruption of her reading yet again. It suddenly feels like she's never going to ever going to read peacefully like before. She might as well add some sass to her day.

"Hey, Jane, watch your language. Sure Alice is crazy and rude, but I've noticed she hardly ever curses. By the way, why are you looking for her?" Harlie questions her, sounding disinterested, but is far from it. She wonders what her latest mystery is up to.

"She stole my mask, and put it in a place I don't want to talk about." Jane says angrily to Harlie. She has it back in her possession now, but it smells heavily of cleaning products. Harlie's brow furrows in disgust at the many possibilities. She concludes that it probably involved one of the animal-like creatures at the academy.

"What did you do to deserve it? You earned that last attack last week too." Harlie says with a light chuckle. Jane frowns deeply under her mask. Her hand clenches around her knife as she holds herself back from stabbing Harlie. 

"She asked for it. Acting all innocent and what not. I might hate her as much as I hate Jeff! I'll kill them both and finally have that satisfaction in my life." She complains to Harlie, who sighs to herself. 

"She knows what she's doing. Real killers know how to get into their victim's mind. You'd better watch yourself, Jane. Anyway, you'll most likely get into trouble and suffer terrible consequences at the hands of the ever mysterious Principal of ours. Isn't that right, Alice?" Harlie questions casting her eyes behind Jane.

Jane jumps, and quickly turns to find Alice with her hands behind her back, moving back and forth on her heals, and grinning at Harlie. "Aw, why did you tell, Curious Kitty?" Alice questions with laughter filling her voice. In fact the fit of giggles she goes into gets the attention of a distant audience.

"We're in a library. I like to read books with the title blood on them not with blood in them." Harlie says casting her eyes back on her book. She really hopes that violence won't ensue since she likes the books way too much. It would nearly be impossible to read them covered in blood, let alone trying to even clean them.

"So, I hear Janie is looking for me. Why is that? Do you want another lesson in manners?" Alice questions her. Jane growls under her mask, she puts her hand over it to keep it from being pulled off. Alice giggles, and Harlie is becoming irritated with the distractions from her book.

"I can put you both to sleep with my lullaby, so I suggest you both shut your mouths." She warns them. 

"Oh, Curious Kitty is mad. Bad, Jane! Bad, Alice!" Alice giggles as she lightly smacks her own hand to show shame to distract her, and then pulls off Jane's mask. She screams, and shields her face. Alice waves before skipping away with Jane's mask. 

"Get back here!" Jane screams, running, and shielding her face, only her eyes are exposed.

Harlie sighs, and finally immerses herself back into the spellbinding writing she has before her. The words start to focus and her mind wanders away from the words and begins to create the scenery of the story. She hears shuffling that doesn't belong in the scenery and is once again brought back into the library on the uncomfortable chair.

"Go to sleep, Harlie." She sings a soft tune, for the voice behind her. She hears the clatter of a knife, but remains with the book. Flipping the page. "Wh-what the hell?! I thought you only sung to people who were going to die." They says surprised. Harlie chuckles. 

"That's just the final blow. I can do plenty with this voice of mine. Shall I put you to sleep instead, Jeff?" Harlie questions turning over in her seat. She might as well face him and get conversation with him out of the way so she can get back to reading. For once, she doesn't feel as bothered by the interruption though.

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