Chapter 4: Deadly Field Trips

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"SSSHUT UP!" The scale skinned teacher says. Hissing her forked tongue at the chatty students. 

"Sorry, Lady Viper." Alice says interrupting the teach as she was about to speak again. She glares at the smiling girl, who sits on the table instead of her chair, swinging her legs back and forth. She hisses, and slithers around the students. Her snake hair snapping at a few students, but avoiding them easily.

"All right Ssstudentsss. I am your Ssstealth Classss teacher. I ssshall teach you all how to properly sssneak up on your prey. Where they will have no chanccce to even blink assss you sssteal their livesss." She explains to them. Many students become excited. 

"Are you saying we'll be going into human society for a killing spree?" Alice questions as her eyes start to glow red, her fangs growing out. Lady Viper nods her head. 

"Excellent!" Scarlet cheers happy to know they'll be going on a killing spree. She claps her hands, no one follows her lead.

"Yesss, but thisss shall be partner work." Students groan, because they like to work solo. "Don't complain. It is either that or you don't go at all." She gives them a cruel grin. She looks over her student list. "I have your partnersss picked out. I want you to sssit next to your partnersss, underssstood?" They make an annoyed sound, but listen to their teacher.

"Very well. Team one is Eyeless Jack and Zalgo." She says looking at the first named student. A guy wearing a black hoodie, black pants, a blue mask with two black eye holes that have tar running down them. The next student also wears a black dress shirt, black pants, he has pale skin, some tattooed mouths show up on his neck, while his actual mouth is stitched shut, he has dark spiky hair, and his eyes are pitch black. They nod their heads, and move to sit next to each other.

"Team two: Ssslenderman and Sssally." She now looks over at a tall and skinny man, wearing a fine black suit, completely white and faceless, his tentacles hiding inside of his own body. Then she looks over at the girl. Her long brown curly here slightly hiding her face as she holds on to her teddy bear, her pink dress swaying as she stands up to sit beside Slenderman.

"Team Three: Hoodie and Ticci Toby." A guy wearing a yellow hoodie and black pants stands up from his seat. His glowing red eyes searching for his partner. He finds him and sits next to the hooded and masked boy. He tics in a greeting as he adjusts his orange goggles.

She goes through the other teams until she reaches the new students. "Next up is Blood and BEN." They look at each other, and blush. They already sit next to each other so there is no need for them to move. "Harlie and Jeff." She continues. Harlie gulps, and casts a glance at Jeff's permanent smile. He pulls her seat closer to his. She stops him with her foot, and refuses to look at him. Lady Viper rolls her yellow eyes, and goes back to her list. "Scarlet and Lost Silver." Scarlet cheers and hugs Silver, who slightly smiles.

"Broken and Masky." She quickly pulls her mask down to hide her blush as Masky sits beside her. He slightly lifts his mask to reveal his mouth. 

"How are you, Broken?" She doesn't answer, and simply gives him a shy smile. She wishes she could eagerly greet him like Scarlet

"Oh! Oh! Let me guess! He's mine, isn't he?!" Alice questions wrapping her arms around Laughing Jack. He chuckles, and grabs a lock of Alice's hair. Twirling it around. "Yesss, that isss correct." Lady Viper says to her. 

"Hooray!" She cheers, and stands up straight. Lady Viper nods her head, and hands each student a map. "These are your desssignated areasss." She tells them as they see the areas surrounding the academy. "Now get a move on children. You ssshall all be expected to return by lunch hour." She tells them all. Students rise from their seats, and take all exits for their first time out in society in a while.

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