Chapter 3: Lunch Time!

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"Sir, I've brought in two troublemakers. What will you have of them?" Mr. Scare stands before a desk that is placed in front of a blacked-out window. Blood stares at the window, wondering who could be on the other side and why their desk would just sit on the other side. She wonders if there is actually someone on the other side.

No one talks. All that seems to come through is taps on the glass. It sounds like Morse code, but not one that she has heard before.

"Oh, o-okay. We can let this slide since it's her first day. Yes, I will reprimand Jeff." Mr. Scare says nervously. He looks back over at Blood.

"Listen, you will not be allowed to kill Jeff while in this school. The moment you came in here, it has become forbidden. You will suffer horrible consequences for disobeying the rules. They are right there. Read them and remember them." Blood smirks as Mr. Scare tries to intimidate her. She can't take the short goblin seriously at all.

She opens her mouth to speak, but her body starts to feel pain, it becomes static. Like as if she were infected with something. She screams in pain and it feels like forever before it just stops.

"You will not kill Jeff."

"I-I will not kill Jeff..." Blood thinks of herself and relents to the rules. She doesn't even know what caused her to glitch out so painfully. She couldn't even escape to an electronic to get away from it. Her body was not under her control and she can only assume it was because of the being behind the window.

"Good, then you may head to the cafeteria. The bell will be ringing shortly." Mr. Scare informs the pair. They let Jeff head out first and a little later Blood is let out.

She wanders around since she has no idea where anything is. Blood is forced to wait for the bell and follow students to the cafeteria.

A person walks up to her. They wear a robe so no one can see their face.

"Follow me, the cafeteria is this way." They whisper to her. She looks suspiciously at the person, but decides to follow them.


The students stand or sit there trying to figure out what just happened. The new students are quite a bit excited at the unexpected occurrence. They're excited about the fun that has come with the new girls they heavily underestimated.

"What was that all about?" Harlie questions twirling one of her blue curls. No one responds, but their attention goes to Laughing Jack, who stands from his seat, walking towards Alice. Putting out his long arm out for her.

"Yes?" She questions with an innocent smile, tilting her head to the side. It's like she's unbothered by all the blood she spilled.

"It's time for lunch. I'll take you there, and the rest of these lovely ladies." He says giving her a fanged smirk. Alice looks at him before putting her arm through his. Then the bell rings announcing lunch hour.

Harlie, Broken, and Scarlet look a bit surprised, but follow after them since they don't really know the others. For now, they feel like they need to stick together, but also watch each other closely. There is no real trust among killers after all.


The four girls sit on the chairs in front of their table in silence. A new teacher had arrived to escort them around while Mr. Scare settled the issue between Blood and Jeff. The teacher looks over her paperwork of the four girls at present.

"I am Madame Agnese. I am a history teacher of all the murderers, monsters, and freaks of our society. In fact, I see one of you has been in a lot of textbooks, but not much is known about you, Ms. Alice. You have strange patterns." Madame Agnese says looking over at the young woman playing with her blood red nails. She smiles to herself, but keeps her commentary to herself.

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