the only hope for me is you alone

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   ok i want to dedicate this to the kids that lost their lives in the Sandy Hook Shotting...... And to say that i'm sorry to their familys

When we got to the house I told the little kids to just go and get anything they wanted out. Xander,Rachel, and I sat on the couch and watched TV and listened for anything to go wrong. I was cuddled up in Xander's arms when Lily came in and sat in my lap. I stroked her hair and she fell asleep. I took her to the guest room and layed her down in the bed. My eye caught the time on the clock and i saw it was already 9:30. I went and told Xander and Rachel that we should help the little kids get ready for bed. Thankfully the parents said that they had brought the PJS for the little kids. We got every ones bags and got their PJS out. When all the kids were asleep we went and sat in the living room. We had had Rachel pick something out on TV to watch.

"This should be good" i mummbled

"Found something!!!!" she yelled

I looked at the TV screen and Yo Gabba Gabba was on.

"Why??" I asked Rachel

"Cause i love this show" She said and i just rolled my eyes.

"What ever" i mumbled. we sat and watched yo gabba gabba and when the super music friend show came on you would never guess who was on. If you guessed MCR than yes you are right. Right when it came on the door opened and everyone walked in. They looked at the TV with opened mouths.

"ummmm okay I'm not going to question your choice of TV and hey is that us on?!?!?!" said Gerard

"yep" said Rachel

"and why exactly are you watching Yo Gabba Gabba?" asked Ray after it was over

"Because we made the mistake of letting Rachel pick the show" said Xander

"ohhhhhhh" everyone said

"hey where are our kids?" asked Steve

"ohhhh they fell asleep a little while ago....." said Rachel

"dwaaaaaaa" said everyone when they saw them

everyone too out their phones and snapped pictures. when everyone had left including Xander and Rachel Gerard and i sat down."Sooooo how did everything gooooo?" asked Gerard

"hehe funny you ask that..." i said

"what happened?" he said

"Ummmmm well you see we went to taco bell and there's nothing wrong with that right?" i asked

"right... Emily just get to the point" Gerard said

i Continued my story and at the end Gerard's face sorta looked like this O_o.

"well than" he said

"well any ways I'm off to bed" i said

"no wait Em" he said

"yeah?" i said turning around

"you think that i would let do babysit and not pay you?" he asked

"well we don't need payed..." i trailed off

"well i want to pay you" he said handing me a wad of cash

"thanks" i said wondering off to my room. i counted my money and it was 100 dollars in all.

"dang" i though he really didn't have to pay me

"EM?" asked Lyn-z walking in my room and sitting on my bed

"Yeah?" i asked

"we are all going on tour in a week on Friday" she said

"Oh uhhhh thanks" i said

"and you should pack and say good-bye to your friends..." she said

"Kay thanks" i said

"alright night.... Thanks for your help today" she said

"no problem" i said getting my PJ pants and shirt on.

When she left i got in bed and put my ear phones in. i fell asleep listening to The Only Hope For Me Is You.  the next morning i woke up Feeling like shit.

"Uhgggggg" muttered

"EMILY" called Gerard

"What?" i mumbled

"time to go to school" he said in a sing song Voice

I got out of bed and look in the Mirror. i looked like shit. My hair was all tangled and notted. and my cheeks were a bright red. i got in the shower and got dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a blue shirt with Gir on it from Invader ZIM. i walked into the kitchen and i didn't feel like eating anything so i just sat there. when Lyn-z walked in she took on look at me and said

"Back to bed"


"no buts  back to bed"

i got up from the table and went to my bed room. i got under my sheets and layed there for a second. Lyn-z walked in and took my temperature. the thermometer read 104.8.

"okay ummm ill take you to the doctor later.... but right now i have to do some work kay?" she asked

"sure" i said

i layed back and fell back asleep and slept till Lyn-z woke me up.

like my Christmas present to you all??? comment and i just though of something.... i am going to start dedicating my chapters to people on here along with real people kay?? -------------> Emilys shirt

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