this may not be my weekend but this could be my year

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I woke on Friday and remembered that today was the BVB concert. Earlier in the week Andy had Texted me and asked if me and I quote "That random friend of yours" want to spend the weekend on the bus. Of course I agreed and I had packed my over night bag the night before. I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. Gerard was in there drinking coffee but Bandit and Lyn-z were nowhere to be seen. 

"Where are Bandit and Lyn-z?" I asked Gerard. 

"In Bandit's room" I nodded and grabbed a poptart. 

"You eat so many of those things" Gerard said Getting up and putting his coffee cup In the sink. 

"yeah and you drink so much coffee" I said 

"Burn" Lyn-z said coming up behind us. Bandit was dressed in a sparkly gold Tutu with a black shirt with sparkly gold flowers on it. Her hair was curled and she had a little gold bow in it.  

"Wow why all fancy today?" I asked Bandit 

"She has an award thing today and she gets an award, oh by the way give this to your teacher. It's a note letting him... or her know that you can leave at 1:15 for Bandit's thing." I grabbed the note and ran up to my room. My phone was dinging indicating that I got a text so I picked it up and I got a text from Andy.

A: hey Em, you ready for 2night? 

E: YUS!!!! Gtg get dressed and go to school.  

A: alright see you later :D 

E: alrighty 

I got off the phone and got out a pair of black skinny jeans and a gray shirt with Yellow hearts all over it. I pulled on some yellow socks and some black Vans. I slipped my note in my backpack and put my backpack on. I walked out the door and to the bus stop. I got on the bus and waited till 1:10, when my teacher released me to go to get my stuff and go to Bee's school. On my way out I whispered to Sam that I would meet him after school. He nodded and I walked out the doors of the school into the warm November air. I walked to Bee's school and into the door. I asked one of the people standing at the door where I should go. She directed me and I walked in the room. There was a little stage set up and I saw Bee and a few other kids sitting in the front row. I saw Gerard and Lyn-z sitting in one of the other rows. I went and sat with them and took a picture of bee. I saw a few rows back that Mikey and Alicia, Ray and Christina, and Frank and Jamia and his kids were sitting. I smiled and waved at them and kind played on my phone until it started. He teacher talked about how this school had good workers and how she wanted her students to be awarded for it. She started calling names for different awards.  

"Shawn Edison, for best Listener" a little boy a little taller then Bandit got up. He had Blonde hair and Blue Eyes. He got his award and stood on stage.  

"Next we have Addie Walker for getting along with other students" a little girl shorter then Bandit stood up. She looked shy and she had cocoa colored skin and big eyelashes. 

"Next Is Bandit Way for hardest worker" Bandit jumped out of her chair and we all clapped for her. I took some pictures of her and smiled. Later we all walked out of the school together.  

"Want to ride home with us?" Gerard asked 

"Nah I think I am going to walk back to my school and walk home with Sam" I said 

"Alright" he said getting in his car. They drove off and I walked to the school. I sat on the steps and I turned on my phone to see the time. 2:55. School gets off at 3 so I would have to wait five minutes. I turned on a game on my phone and played that. When kids came barreling down the stairs I stood up so I wouldn't be crushed. I waited about ten minutes and looked around. I didn't see Sam anywhere. I got up and walked home and on the way I texted him.  

E: where were you? I waited like 15 minutes and you didn't come out. 

S: oh yeahhhh..... I got a ride from my dad.... Oh yeah and I kinda got suspended. 

E: what did you do? 

S: well you know science right? 

E: no I have never heard of this "Science" what is it? JK yeah I know science.  

S: okay so today we had a pop quiz... and the teachers already know that I don't do well during tests. So I went and walked to the back of the room and the teacher, Mrs. Black, went "no not in the back" so I said "that's what she said" 

E: bahahahhaha so you got suspended for that? Wow. 

S: not exactly... so she went "get out" so I said "that also what she said".... Then I got kicked out of the room to the principal office. 

E: I think I might die laughing. Well please tell me that you can still go tonight, if you can't then I am going to have to take my loony bag of a best friend. 

S: nope I can still go.... My dad found it funny. 

E: thank god 

When I got off the phone I was still laughing. I walked into our house and into the kitchen. I found Bandit and the Twins sitting at the table eating chocolate chip ice cream. Jamia was sitting at the table feeding Miles, and he was happily eating it. 

"Hey Jamia" I said sitting down and scooping out some ice cream.  

"Hey Emily" 

I got a bowl of ice cream and went into the living room. Everyone else was sitting in there eating ice cream. 

"Wow you threw an ice cream party and didn't invite me" I said standing there trying my hardest to make a mad face but I just ended up laughing. They laughed and Mikey scooted over so I could sit by him. I shrugged off my backpack and it hit the ground with a thud. We all laughed and I told the story of Sam. Everyone found it as funny as I did. Finally it was 5:30 and It was time for me to leave. I hugged everyone bye and kissed all the kids on their heads. I got my stuff and got in my car. I drove to Sam's house and picked him up. He tossed his bag into the back and we listened to music until we got to the venue. We hugged the guys and rocked out until the thing ended and we met them at the meet and great and after they had greeted all their fans we went back to the bus.

So I made a longish one for you... so give me feedback.... How do you like it? Ummmm well... .that's all I got... buh bye :D oh btw i need baby names for the baby Way.... any ideas? i have a few from other people and they are great but i need more thanks :D

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