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At the crack of dawn, a very tired Everestt Foster wriggled around in her bed. Restless from the nightmares disturbing her peaceful slumber. It was always the same film playing in her mind; her mum shouting out all her words of disappointment at her youngest child. You see, Everestt was the youngest of her five siblings. They were all overachievers, each of them excelling in their beloved mother's eyes yet Everestt was never enough.

Begrudgingly, Everestt awakened from her sleep. Clueless of the possibilities the day would bring. She could only hope that she would be able to escape her mother's wrath- the hour long lecture about how she dresses, what she eats and the most important one...her future. Karen, Everestt's mother, has always pushed her children to their limits. At the age of nine Karen became homeless and from that day on she swore, her children will have a perfect future. And that promise, she kept.

Walking to school was never an issue for Everestt. She needed the exercise anyway, at least that was what her mother told her. Besides the sun was shining, the birds chirping and Everestt smiling. These fifteen minutes she got to herself was heaven to her. No one able to distract her naive mind. No one there to tell her to relax and have fun or to take school more seriously. These thoughts often suffocated Everestt to the point where she couldn't breath. So when Everestt was rudely disturbed by a random stranger she had never seen before, she wasn't very happy. Everestt needed these fifteen minutes. It was a drug for her and she was addicted. Despite feeling the familiar scratching at the bottom of her stomach, annoyance, she still smiled.

"It's always good to make a first impression, seeing as your face isn't worth remebering." Karen's brutal words rang inside her mind, leaving a bullet inside her heart.

"Hi my name is Everestt. My friends call me Eve or Evie. I haven't seen you around before. Are you new around here?" , the sweet seventeen year old questioned, innocently.

Fighting the urge to roll his eyes, the stranger simply nodded, answering Everestt's question. He didn't like to talk, so he didn't. A sudden urge over took him, forcing him to talk to the nervous girl.

"Sorry. I should probably tell you, I not much of a talker. My name is Jackson and yes I am indeed new. I just transferred schools."

"It's alright. I understand the whole quiet thing. I'm guessing you transferred to Kingston High School. I could give you a tour if you like. I mean you don't have-"

"I would love to E", interruped Jackson, who had his signature smirk plastered on his face. He could tell she would be fun to explore. That was his goal. To explore her.

School was always something Everestt found comfort in

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School was always something Everestt found comfort in. She didn't mind helping the librarian pack the books after she completed all her work or helping the janitor clean the school and keep him company. She found comfort in things that didn't grade her performance, she had enough of that at home. Being popular wasn't what Everestt cared about as you can tell. She just wanted to be free.

Jackson had started humming a song that sounded vaguely familiar to Everestt. Deciding against asking him about it, she decided just to admire the peaceful atmosphere they had created. A comfortable balanced bubble surrounded them, soon to be destroyed by hormonal teenagers that got off by bringing one another down. 

High school was a jungle and it was the survival of the fittest. Everyone knew this, so when Jackson saw someone barge past Everestt hard, making her fall on the floor, he shouldn't have been surprised, yet he was. Quickly pulling his new friend from the ground, he had already turned around to find the criminal. The criminal who had dared to lay a finger on the girl who saw the world from a white lens. Jackson's anger was simmered down as fast as it had risen, all because the angel had touched his arm, reminding him that she was there. He felt like he had known her for years.

Tugging on his arms, she dragged him towards the front desk. 

"Everest slow down! You're going to fucking break my arm. Your height can deceive people ya know." , complained the young boy. It was too early in the morning for him. Too early to go to school. To early to even wake up. Not that he would tell his father. No, he couldn't because in his father's eyes he would be a wuss.

"Come on, I'd rather not have my mother down my throat for being late", quipped Everestt.

"Would you rather something else down your mouth? I could help with if you want." His lustful comment shouldn't have surprised, yet there she stood with her jaw wide open.

Before the shy girl had the time to respond the receptionist had already appeared, giving him the paper that contained all the information of his class schedule. 

"You really can't say stuff like that. One, it's not polite. Two, we are in public. Three, we just met. For all I know you could be some sex addict or something. Not someone I would feel comfortable around no offence.", listed the intelligent girl.

She knew how to shut someone down, and she did every time. Well, everyone except her mother. Mummy dearest knew how to shut her up with just a look. Words would hurt her too much, leaving her crying herself to sleep.

                                                                               — — —

The rest of the day was a breeze. Except for the when the tan olive boy couldn't seem to get his hands off his new friends. Whether it be his arm around her shoulders, his arms linked around hers or his arms wrapped around her waist- her back pressed against his chest. He could feel everything when he holds her in the third position. Not that she knew, no, she was too innocent for that. Too naïve.

UMMMMM....did you guys enjoy the first chapter. It took me like four days because of school. I had to stop multiple times . Anways, leave some suggestions for the characters anyway to boost their personalities. These are your characters as well. Does anyone know any good apps that help make covers, it would really help me?

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