Chapter 1: Her Crush

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-Luna's POV-

It's been many moons since I last broke up with...Him and became a female knight serving under Prince Asch.

Yeah ever since I left the assassins and became an ex-assassin I was the only female knight in Prince Asch's castle but I didn't care it was not gonna lie kinda a dream come true to work under a hot prince and server along side 4 more hot hunks of daemos guys.

I had become friends with all of them they also treated me like a Princess sometimes considering as I said I was the only female aside from Lady Grandma and Lady Bish

However as much as I thought all of the guys were hot my mind couldn't stop thinking about Leif even though I was his ex

As I sat in my room resting in a meditative state while I let my mind ponder I thought "Hm I wonder how he's doing? pfff I bet all the girls still flirt with him I mean I don't blame them he's fucking hot and he is the second most deadly in the assassins group which makes him even hotter"

My mind still couldn't stop loving him there was something about his beautiful sparkly blue eyes, toothy grin, adorable smirk, and the way he licks or bites on one of his scythes blades in a kinky way that just makes him so charming. "God do I miss him" I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize I said that out loud or that Noi was now in my room

Noi: "Haha what are you thinking about Luna you just talked out loud"

Luna: *blushes and takes out her weapons* "Ah Fuck!"

Noi: "I'm sorry Luna I didn't mean to startle you"

Luna: *sighs* "It's just you Noi"

Noi: "yep haha"

I then sit back down

Luna: "How long have you been here Noi"

Noi: "Long enough to startle you and notice you're clearly lost deep in thought"

Luna: "Heh...yeah"

He then slips in and lays beside me propped up on one arm with a smile that was supposed to be his mischievous smirk but only looked like an adorable cinnamon roll smile trying to be intimidating but couldn't be

Noi: "Sooo who or which one of us were you thinking about"

Luna: "W-What"

Noi: "I know you like one of the knights like us"

Luna: "I wasn't thinking about one of you guys at all actually it was s-some one I courted with back in my assassin group"

Noi: "Oooooh ok haha"

Luna: "God your adorable"

Noi: *blushes* "R-Really"

Luna: "Yes you remind me of a little brother"

Noi: .....

Luna: "Look just because I courted with someone else doesn't mean I don't wanna court with you still"

I then gently caress Noi's cheek and giggle

(A/n: yes Luna is somewhat dating aka "courting" with Noi under all the other damose's noses because he is my 2nd favorite out of the daemos boys so she likes both Noi and Leif but cares more about Noi as a little brother than anything else)

Noi: "Haha ok"

Luna: "Even if I date someone else Noi I won't stop protecting you since you can't fight"

Noi:  "Hey I can to fight"

Luna: "Oh really? *stands up and takes out her daggers then stands in a attack position* "spar with me then"

Noi: "FINE!" *takes out his daggers as well and stands as well*

Luna: "Go on make the first move and cut me"

Noi: *sprints at her and goes to cut her cheek but stops*

Luna: "See you hesitate"

Noi: "I don't wanna hurt you Lulu" *sobs*

Luna: "Aw Noi"

I then put away my weapons and went to hug him then wipe away his tears so I could see his adorable little face

Luna: "I only said you could cut me so you could learn. Noi you know I can heal myself even if you did cut me"

Noi: "I know b-but"

Luna: "Shhhh it's ok that's why I protect you because I know you hesitate during fights and killing"

He just starts crying more while I pull him down and sit on the floor with him as he cried into my chest which was kinda awkward considering I'm pretty short for a daemos I'm only 5'7" while the daemos guys are at least 6'0" to 7'0" to sometimes even 8'0"
feet in hight.

At least Noi doesn't tower over me like Pierce over here who sometimes has to literally duck to get into rooms through a door way

As I was holding my crying fellow knight that's when I realized something about Noi. He was actually pretty short for a male damose he's only around 6'5" while the others are as I said around 7'0" to 8'0" feet in hight.

So Noi was kinda short compared to the other guys. He was more so closer to my hight than I thought which honestly made him all the more adorable innocent bean he is.

Anyways I was getting off topic my mind was just everywhere today with nonstop thinking of Leif. So I tried to snap myself out of my daze and did.

Luna: "Noi?"

Noi: "Y-Yes"

Luna: "If you don't mind me asking why did you come to my room in the first place?"

Noi: "Ooooh right....I uh forgot about that"

Luna: "Well?"

Noi: "Prince Asch requested our presence he sent me to fetch you because apparently there's a prisoner in the castle cell"

Luna: "really?"

Noi: "Yeah and he wants all of us to go"

Luna: "Alright"

I then see Noi stand up and hold his hand out to me

Noi: "Come on Princess Luna"

Luna: " don't need to call me that I'm no Princess"

Noi: "But your the only female knight so I feel like it's suiting for you"

Luna: "Heh...Fine"

I then take his hand and he helps me up and we both started walking to Asch's throne room


Hehe short but sweet I'll try to make the next chapter longer but that's what I have for now

This chapter was approximately 1061 words in all by the end of. So yeah kinda short but oh well

Anyways until next time "I Love You All And I Will See You Guys Escalater" ;3

Lost In The Flames Of Love (Luna x Leif,Asch,Noi&Rhys) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now