A/n: Fell For A Fourth Daemos So Changes Again

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Hey my pups yep that's right change up again I don't even know anymore 😑

basically if you can't tell from the title of this A/n or the picture I used for it...I'm basically falling for all the guys now or I guess more so Leif, Asch, Noi and now Rhys too

look idk what the hell is wrong with me why are all the daemos guys so fucking hot ugh

But yes it's the same story but I added in Rhys I mean I knew I would fall for him eventually too

Reasons why is because I made my oc and Rhys basically best friends and study partners since he was the first she met when she took up studying as a student under Lady Grandma little backstory on my Daemos oc there. so yeah I finally snapped and finally fell for Rhys too Heh

But it's still mainly Luna x Leif, Asch and Noi and I hope I can keep it up as that way and not fall for Pierce too but if I do oh well

So yeah also a reason why I also fell for Rhys is because the chapters I was doing that I can't post yet because you guys will be extremely confused since it's at the end of the actual rp series and technically we are currently only just starting ep 4 of the series in this book so yeah

Anyways that's all I really have to say so until next time "I Love You All And I Will See You Guys Escalater" ;3

Lost In The Flames Of Love (Luna x Leif,Asch,Noi&Rhys) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now