Chapter 7: Catching Up With Ava...And A Sprit?

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-Luna's POV-

As I see them leave I once again feel my blood boil


Ava: "Alright what the fuck is going on Luna"

Luna: *takes a deep breath to calm down* "I'm sooo sorry Ava I didn't mean for any of this to happen"

I then help her down from the tree Pierce hung her on instead and hug the potato of a girl even though I was roughly only less than a head taller than her then let her go

Luna: *sighs* "Ava, I swear those boys are gonna be the death of me one day" "figuratively speaking and literally speaking too considering one of them is pretty kill happy and the rest don't hesitate to kill except one"

Ava: .......

Luna: "I'm sorry"

She then shakes it off

Ava: "It's fine, I can tell they'll be the death of you figuratively since you seem to have your hands full with 5 hot horny guys"

I then just blush a pretty bright crimson because I would say at least on of them is pretty horny considering he's pretty kinky and he's fucked me before.

As for the other guys they don't seem like they care for well sex. then again I've never seen any of the other guys in heat before then I thought "though Asch...Damn...I wonder how he's like if he goes into heat but no doubt about it he would definitely be top". "Stop it Luna he doesn't like you like that nor will he ever so just stick with Leif"

Ava: "Shit! I just realized what I said I didn't mean it like that it's just they and you have horns"

Luna: "Haha I got what you mean both ways I'm not an idiot like they are"

Ava: "What do you mean by that"

Luna: "I mean that you're not wrong about the other type of horny either...Because One Of Them Is Pretty Horny He's Kinky~"

Ava: "Oooou~ which one spill the tea sis"

Luna: "It's Leif"

Ava: "Uhhh which one is that?"

Luna: "Right you don't know them"

Ava: "Could you tell me"

Luna: "Sure but it will be long"

Ava: "Alright"

Luna: "So..."
"Leif is the one with the green horns he's the one I said was pretty kinky he's also a former assassin so he's pretty kill happy so if you ever bring up killing with him you've been warned. Leif is also my well boyfriend you can say"
"Noi is the one with the orange horns I crush pretty hard on him too, I mean how can I not when I always protect him because he's easily the most innocent one who hesitates during training, killing, or hurting things so he's basically the cinnamon roll of us"
"Rhys is the one with the dark blue horns he's kinda the smartass along with me"
"Pierce is the one with the light blue horns he was also the one who hung you in the tree and he's easily the tallest but most kindhearted gentle giant who barely speaks because he's pretty shy but he won't hesitate to preform his duties as a royal knight"
"Finally Asch, He's the prince or Damose so he's the one you saw fainted with the white horns that have a golden ring on them to signal his royalty, I also kinda crush on him pretty hard too but he'll never notice one of his knights"

Lost In The Flames Of Love (Luna x Leif,Asch,Noi&Rhys) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now