Chapter 21: Some Truths Are Reviled

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(A/n: This is chapter 20 continued on so enjoy ;3)

-Luna's POV-

We had never pulled away from the caress when all of a sudden I heard a creak which is when I pulled away and the bed's canopy breaks and collapses making Leif fall with it

Leif: "Ow FUCK!"

That's when I burst out laughing

Luna: "HAHA...I...Haha...I Told You Ya Goof Thats What You Get" *can't stop laughing and starts crying*

(A/n: also fun fact certain parts of Luna and Leif's relationship are suppose to be like a MID version of Travlyn in a way like Luna is supposed to be like Katelyn and Leif is suppose to be like Travis. for example that part was suppose to be like that and honestly it sounds like something that would happen in a Travlyn moment no lie XD)

Leif: "grrrr...SHUT UP" *blushes out of embarrassment*

Luna: "Ok Ok I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'm good" "You ok babe"

Leif: "I'm fine!"

I then get up and fix the bed's canopy only to see Leif teleport and hang from it again

Luna: "Didn't you JUST learn you're lesson"

Leif: "Nope"

Luna: "heh, you dork"

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Luna: "heh, you dork"

Leif: "What?

Luna: "Nothing you're just lucky I made it stronger so it should be more sturdy and not collapse now"

Leif: "Heh..."

Luna: "God why are you so cute at times in a way"

Leif: "Because I am"

I giggle out of stupidity and caress him again and he returns we both pull away and I smile at the upside down daemos starring at me with his beautiful dreamy ocean blue eyes

I then check him just incase touching a bruise he got from the fall

Leif: "Ow"

I smile and heal it with ease making him blush

Leif: "Y-You know I could have done that m-myself right"

Luna: "I know but I wanted to do it for you"

Leif: .....

Lost In The Flames Of Love (Luna x Leif,Asch,Noi&Rhys) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now