Chapter 15: The First Outing

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-Luna's POV-

Me and Ava then head out of the bedroom and into the main room to meet with the guys and start chatting for a bit

-mini time skip-

Ava: "Assimilate?"

Rhys: "yes Prince Asch

Ava: "Hahahaha"

Leif: "She mocks us?"

Asch: *does a disappointed and annoyed look and sighs in annoyance*

Ava: "No no no it's just you said ass" *continues giggling*

I just stand there with my head in my hand and sigh while also shaking my head in disappointment

While I stood there I thought to myself...
"To be honest I actually feel you right now Asch. I love Ava as a friend but that's just immature, inappropriate, and childish. It has nothing to do with what we were all just talking about. This is also coming from a 19 year old so I'm the youngest here even Noi is a few months older than me"

Rhys: "Asch maybe you can explain"

Asch: "Ugh fine" *turns to Ava and crouches down to her level* "Teach us your human ways now"

Rhys: "Asking like that isn't going to..."

Ava: "If I do that will you guys leave"

Asch: "Faster than you can imagine"

Ava: "Really?"

Asch: "Really"

Ava: "Really Really Really"

Asch: *gets a little annoyed* "Really"

Pierce: "Really"

Noi: "Really"

Leif: "Really"

Luna: *sighs* "Really"

Ava: "Really"

That's when Asch had enough

Asch: "SILENCE!!"

Ava: "Kill joy"

I just giggle a little and think "Well that's what you get for being a little annoying"

Ava: "Look when I woke up I was kinda hoping you guys would have robbed me and left by now, I wasn't expecting you guys to stay"

Leif: "Why would you hope for that"
(A/n: also can I just say I love Leif's confused look it's kinda cute see X3)

Leif: "Why would you hope for that"(A/n: also can I just say I love Leif's confused look it's kinda cute see X3)

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(A/n: like agh I can't...Sorry about my simping mid chapter XD)

Ava: "Because losing a few hundred dollars isn't worth dealing with the stress of...never mind" "Y'all really about this human thing huh"

Lost In The Flames Of Love (Luna x Leif,Asch,Noi&Rhys) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now