Chaper 17: Figuring Things Out And A Confession

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(A/n: Just so y'all know this is my version of the start of ep 4 in the actual rp)

-Luna's POV-

It was the next day and I woke up surprisingly on the throne...Alone? Iwas no longer on Asch's lap he was gone

However his cape was still here he had placed it on top of me making me which kinda made me smile and say to myself "Heh looks like he didn't wanna wake me up thats sweet"

I was about to fall back to sleep when Rhys comes in

Rhys: "Princess Luna are you up my sincere apologies if you're still asleep?"

Luna: "Mmph I am now though I only just woke up"

Rhys: "Well would you be so kind as of to come help us with something"

Luna: "Mmph...With what"

Rhys: "The human clothes Noi is positive he figured it out but it appears to be clearly wrong I'm sure of it. I have a theory on how one might put on these human clothes but I do not know if my intended theory is correct"

(A/n: agh I can't why do I love Rhys's nerdy smart-ass ness so much...but yeah if you couldn't tell I may have fan girled a little with writing out the thing Rhys said above because it sounds like something he would totally say. Also to be honest I can't believe Rhys use to not be one of my favorites in the past...sorry back to the story heh)

Luna: "Ask Ava I just got up"

Rhys: "We have asked Ava but we used a lot of my magic in the process not going through the right wall, Ava is also just sitting in water and knows disarming magic she used it on Prince Asch"

Luna: "Haha it's called a bath plus she just splashed water on fire to put it out"

Rhys: "Interesting"
"She also made a single area we can only through or we'll die. However I do give my sincere thank you for what Ava did because it uses less of my magic. Ava also just told us to figure out getting dressed but we have tried"

Luna: *sighs and transforms back into a daemos* "I'll help you just give me a minute I just woke up"

Rhys: "Understandable"

I then eventually wake up and start talking to him again

Luna: "Alright so Rhys you said you had an idea on how to do it right?"

Rhys: "Precisely"

Luna: "I d-don't normally say this but...c-come to my room and sh-show me your I-Idea so I c-can correct you if I-It's wrong"

That's when I make Rhys get a massive blush as well as me

Rhys: "O-Ok"

We both walk to my room extremely embarrassed and awkward but as we got there I locked my door and took out my human clothes as well  then take a deep breath

Luna: "O-Ok...g-go for it"

Rhys: "I-Is this a-actually necessary P-Princess Luna"

Luna: "I-If you w-want me to m-make sure it's correct th-then yes"

Rhys: "U-Understandable"

He then began and what he had assumed was correct but as he was changing I realized that I had no idea how hot my study partner actually was

Luna: "D-Damn R-Rhys"

Rhys: "W-What"

Luna: "I...Your...uhh...Well...ack fuck never mind" *covers face in her hands to calm the blush and little bloody nose she got*

Lost In The Flames Of Love (Luna x Leif,Asch,Noi&Rhys) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now