chapter two: kandy

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''I can't believe you tried to go too far with me last night, you little skank!'' Mik said, between laughs, laying in Rosé's bed next to her.

Mik and Rosé's favorite hang-out spot had always been either of their houses. They liked to go to parties every once in a while, and it was also their duty to do so, due to them being the elite of their school grade; but they still preferred the privacy and tranquility of each other's bedrooms, and wouldn't trade that for anything.

''Yeah, sorry about that... I guess I'm falling for you, Mik.'' Rosé joked, sitting down, and holding her friend's hands in jest.

''It's okay, Rosé. If I had to experiment with any girl to reaffirm to myself that I'm straight, I'm glad it was you.'' Mik played along, corresponding the handhold. Rosé gasped in surprise, and faked being offended, causing Mik to burst in laughter, falling on the bed once again.

''But for real, though — I really need a girlfriend.''

''Girl, do you really?'' Mik rhetorically asked, still half-laughing.

''Yes, Mik. I crave non-sexual petting and bodily closeness with a woman.''

''Well, I'm not the right person for you to fulfill your fantasies with!'' Mik said, insisting.

''Oh, come on, Mikenna. Don't act as if you didn't enjoy it.'' Rosé said, pretending to brag.

''Well, bitch, hear me out — You won't be able to take me out; but I can help you with someone else, if you please...'' Mik suggested, and looked away, wanting to be coaxed.

''Oh my God, yes, Mik — you're like cupid, please help me.'' Rosé pretended to beg, getting on her knees in front of her friend.

''Fine, fine. I'll do it.''

''So, who else has caught your eye lately?'' Mik asked, leaning closer to Rosé.

''Erm, everyone in our friend group...'' Rosé awkwardly admitted, causing Mik to gape.

''Cool, cool... If that's the case, then I'm surprised you haven't shot your shot with Kandy yet.''

''What do you mean?'' Rosé asked, confused. Mik turned around to look at her friend in the eye, and gave her an 'are you serious?!' look.

''Girl, have you really not noticed yet? — I think Kandy's got her eye on you as well.'' Mik said, and now Rosé was the one gaping.

''Are you for real?!'' Rosé asked, agog.

''Yes, why?!'' Mik said, looking at her nails. Then, the room went silent for a second. Mik, noticing the absence of Rosé's reply, looked up at her friend, and saw her slightly flustered.

''Oh my god, Rosé. You're blushing!'' Mik pointed it out, teasing Rosé by rubbing her cheek.

''Sorry, it's just really shocking to even think I could have a chance with Kandy. That's all, I swear!'' Rosé said, throwing her hands in the air.

''No... I don't think it is. How come you didn't blush yesterday when you were with me at the party?'' Mik insisted, putting her hand on her chin, and seriously analyzing her friend.

''Fine! I'll tell you!'' Rosé finally said.

Mik was Rosé's closest friend. Telling her about it would be the best thing to do. Mik would definitely know exactly what to say to help her — they had been through everything, and they had thrived through everything. Together. There was no possible reason Mik would judge her for what she was about to tell her.

''I've had a crush on Kandy for a long time. And it has been a different crush than any other I've ever had. Kandy's so pretty, and desirable, and... I don't know, I just... really like her.'' Rosé confessed, and let out a small awkward chuckle right after.

''Hmm, interesting... When and where did you even meet her anyways?'' Mik asked, still with her hand on her chin.

''2 years ago, I found her number at a school bathroom stall.''

''A school bathroom stall, really?'' Mik asked, incredulously, giving her the 'are you serious?' stare again; this time, as a euphemism.

''Yeah, we started talking right after that, and I quickly introduced her to the group.''

''Uh-huh... Has there ever been any action between the two of you?'' Mik kept questioning.

''Well, I don't know what's your definition of action, but we've kissed once or twice — not romantically, of course. Only to practice — or at least that's what she has told me everytime.''

''Oh my god, Rosé. You are so clueless!'' Mik replied, deadpan, as she threw herself back to the bed.

''Well, sorry for not being a romance goddess, like yourself; but what do you advise me to do?''

''Hm, I think you should just go for it.''


''Yeah! Just ask her out on a text — it's really that simple.'' Mik said, as if it was the easiest, most obvious thing in the world.

Rosé doubtfully pulled her phone out of her pocket, looked up Kandy's name in her contacts list, and started to write the text.''

Rosé: Hey Kandy I know this may seem a little unforeseen but I just wanted to tell you I really like you and based off the encounters we've had before I guess you like me too. Let me know what do you think about that

That was the text message Rosé had come up with, mostly thanks to Mik. They anxiously waited for a reply from Kandy, and about 10 minutes later, they received one... or something like that.

''Read...'' Mik read the text receipt aloud, with disappointment in her voice.

''At least it's not a no...!'' Rosé said, hopefully, causing Mik to burst in laughter.

''Yeah, sure. I guess that's a way to look at it, Rosé.'' Mik said, between laughs, fake-fighting her friend.


THE awkward encounter with Kandy had, in a sense, sort of increased Rosé's needs; on top of that list, she felt the need to go there. At the end of the day, that place was the only thing that had managed to keep her distracted the past few days. Rosé wasn't so clear on whether going there was a good or bad thing; maybe both, maybe neither. But Mik had offered to help her get a girlfriend; so Rosé hoped she would stop going there soon.

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