chapter nine

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AT last, the evidently awaited day had arrived — it was finally Friday; and everyone loves Fridays. Especially Denali, who was especially excited for this particular Friday — normally she disliked the private gatherings her club threw every once in a while, which she was always forced to assist; but this time would be different. Sure, there'd be the usual horde of vicious putrid men who followed her everywhere; but there'd also be a stunning blonde watching the girls perform. And maybe, if Denali was lucky enough, she'd be able to evade her shift to spend some time with Rosé, even if was just for a little while.

That is, of course, only if Rosé showed up at the get-together. Denali took her powder-puff and permeated it in compact powder, and sighed. Denali wanted to believe Rosé would show up — they barely knew each other, but Denali still felt as if she knew a lot about Rosé. The black-haired girl quickly fixed the last few details of her appearance, and stood up from her boudoir. She wanted to start thinking more down-to-earth, but still keeping her hopes up. Little did Denali know, she wasn't blowing anything out of proportion at all — her dream fantasy next to Rosé was just about to begin.

Denali got in her car, and drove to the strip, as always; and after around 25 dull minutes, she arrived at her destination. The girl got out of her car, and went through the strip club door. In comparison to the average days, the place wasn't packed; it wasn't empty either, though, of course. Denali's boss, a pot-bellied old curmudgeon whose name she never bothered learning, was standing in one corner, looking at the people who entered the strip, and mildly trying to flirt with the dancers. Everything was going just as planned.

Denali spotted Kahmora and Symone sitting on one of the red velvet couches, cheerfully chatting; and she rushed to sit next to them. Since their boss had told them to show up already changed from home, they'd have more time to relax before the performances.

''Hi! You guys look stunning, as always.'' Denali said, approaching her friends.

''Thank you! So do you.'' Symone replied, and Denali twirled, showing off the sequins that jingled from her costume.

''Honestly, the only reason I'm here is because of these cute-ass costumes.'' Kahmora said, patting her outfit down.

''Honestly, same! These gatherings are usually so tedious — I have enough seeing this old man's face every weekday, why do I have to do it on weekends too?'' Symone complained, causing the other two girls to laugh.

''Yeah, I guess what you two are saying is right; but I do have another reason to be here as well...'' Denali shyly said, slightly flustered.

''What's that?'' Symone asked, confused.

''Remember when I went to talk to the hot blonde two days ago?''

''Of course we do!'' Kahmora said.

''You wouldn't stop bringing it up, even hours later...'' Symone pointed out.

''Whatever. The thing is — I may or may not have invited her to the gathering...'' Denali shyly confessed, with a mischievous smile forming in the corner of her lips.

''What makes you think the big guy won't kick her out?!'' Symone asked.

''What makes you think he will? Have you seen her? Rosé is quite a hottie — I'd actually be more surprised if our boss didn't offer her a job here.''

''Oh my god, she has a liquor name, Symone...'' Kahmora said, pretending to be horrified.

''You know what, forget it. You're right — she is ready to give it a go here.'' Symone joked, causing Denali to playfully roll her eyes.

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