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"Let's go."


They ran far, ducking everywhere, hiding. A small mob of demons passed them, roaring, holding up gruesome clubs and bats, which upon closer inspection, were broken bones, tendons attached and all.

"Is that- am I seeing right-" Katsuki breathed out, shocked with horror. Shouto nodded grimly, wincing as well at the sight.

The horrific sounds grew nearer, a warning, and the pair hurtled down the streets, twisting down the alleys, and soon, the familiar silhouette of the gates of hell appeared in sight.

Fear, adrenaline, the mere will to stay alive.

Katsuki and Shouto hurled out the gates, gasping for breath. They did it. The realisation brought both of them almost to tears (Mind you the pair were not one to cry easily, nor get emotional often.)

A lesser demon would not be able to pass any further than the gates, but a spear could.

A single, precisely thrown spear flew through the air in a graceful arc- if a sharpened bone with blood and gore all over it can be called anything but. Shouto saw it first, but nothing could be done.

Time happened in slow motion, and Shouto tried to push the fallen angel out of the way, but he was still too slow.

The spear hit bullseye, piercing through the angel clean.

Nonono, not like this, Shouto begged as Katsuki fell into his arms once again. Cheers rang out amongst the lesser demons, who watched from the gates.

Although frantic as can be, Shouto held the angel gently, pressing on the wound like he saw others do before, but Katsuki was losing blood. Too much blood.

"Doesn't your blood have healing properties? Can't you, can't you heal yourself?" Shouto begged, his voice rising octaves as he watched, unable to do anything, as the life was leached out of Katsuki.

Katsuki only smiled sadly, a few tears rolling down his face. No words were said. Even in such times, nothing.

It was when Katsuki's hand went limp in Shouto's grasp that the latter realised, with full force, what just happened.

Gone. He's dead. I'll never see him again.

Shouto sat there, letting his tears run freely. He could not stay strong anymore. Inhumane after inhumane scream left him, and he let the sorrow engulf him until it was physically impossible to do anything else. Throat now raw from his grieving, Shouto wiped his tears hastily and got to his feet, ignoring the burning holes in his back caused by the lesser demons.

I'm so sorry, Shouto thought as he carried Katsuki's corpse to a pile of bones just off the entrance. The void brought back many memories. He wondered idly what would have happened if Katsuki was not saved by him the day he fell. Maybe his heart would not be broken beyond repair like it was now. Then again, without Katsuki, he would have not loved.

Enough. No more sorrow. It pained Shouto, but he walked away from the body, back into Hell.

So long, Kat.


(Katsuki pov)

Fuck 'em losers! Like they could ever catch us. I almost stumbled over Shouto as we made it out of Hell. I hope I never see those gates again, or another demon.

Now wha-? I thought, but a white hot pain blinded me. Something struck me in the back, I realise, and the world went dizzy. Shouto's blurry figure looked down on me. I clasp our hands together, wanting to say something, tell him everything- all my emotions, my gratefulness for him saving me and so much more.

Nothing came out. I simply couldn't, and believe me the pain I felt seeing Shouto so helpless was unbearable. But I was losing too much blood. The healing would not work, and we both know it.

What a cruel way to go, I thought, and a few tears rolled down my cheeks, leaving a trail of wet stickiness.

I commited Shouto's features to memory, grasping at the last stands of life.

Then everything went black.


hello everyone i killed katsuki so yea hope you have a nice day

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