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Bakugou Katsuki hated his life.

The past two whole weeks he spent in a coma (according to Deku) and the moment he woke up, he was greeted with Kirishima and Deku's faces staring down at him. Great. As soon as the doctor told him he could go, Katsuki rushed out the door, the cool breeze biting into his skin. Last time he remembered, it was only autumn.

Katsuki was given the week off, much to his displeasure. Aizawa insisted, and there really was not much he could do.

He decided to go to the convenience store nearby and grab a quick drink, maybe some spicy ramen. The past two weeks he had no recollection of, weirdly. Comas suck, the blonde thought idly, racking his brains. But still, nothing. Heck, he did not even know how he got into this situation.

The bell on the convenience store door chimed in greeting as Katsuki basked in the heater's warmth. He made his way to the far isle, where his favourite spicy ramen was stored.

He bumped into a taller, lean male by accident. Stupid narrow isles.

"Sorry-" the other started, but was soon cut off by Katsuki. "Fucking hell, look where you're going-"

"K-Katsuki?" The taller male looked at Katsuki incredulously, and the blonde simply stared back as if he had seen a ghost. What is wrong with this guy?

"How do you know my name?" Katsuki questioned, stepping back a bit. He could not care less if this was some random extra at UA that he had somehow forgotten, but one could never be too sure.

The guy with the two toned hair muttered, "I'm Shouto..." His words soft, sad, even.

Bakugou Katsuki fell to the floor, his mind a whirl. Everything came back in a rush- voices were everywhere, and nowhere at the same time. Flashbacks of a council, falling, endless falling. Then a pair of mismatched eyes staring intently at him, as if examining a particularly interesting specimen. A bedroom ceiling, vague sounds. Then a fight, a deafening uproar that made Katsuki clutch his ears. Running, footsteps, dust trailing in their footsteps.

A person, there in every scene he remembered, with... demon horns? Who is that? Who was that?

Shouto. Shouto, yes, that is it.

"Shouto.." Katsuki repeated his name, realisation evident in his voice.

Tears threatened to spill from Shouto's eyes, and they spent a while sitting there, on the floor of a convenience store, looking absolutely ridiculous. What had actually happened was confusing. Katuski was sure that with how he acted, Shouto knew about the whole angel-and-demon event, the running and even the unspeakable.

But none of it mattered, not now. They had each other.


hello hello! this is the end of this story, thank you so much for reading and sticking around. I really hope you enjoy reading this brainchild of mine, tysm :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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