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Thankfully, the nightmares stopped. Shouto was not sure if it was the cuddling, or if that nightmare was a one time thing. He would say he knew the angel well enough by this point in time, after all they had spent all their time together, and knowing the blonde, prodding on the issue would make things worse. So he pretended everything was fine.


"Wake up, shithead, today we go to the void." Katsuki said, hitting Shouto with a pillow. Ouch.

"Leave me alone, I'm hibernating..."

"I said get up, you lazy ass," Katsuki said, pulling the sheets off, leaving Shouto shivering with the sudden loss of heat.

"Fine... Wait- you want to go to the void?" Shouto sat up and rubbed his eyes, confused. Well that was sudden. Katsuki, clad in a simple black tank top, climbed into Shouto's lap and looked at him dead in the eye.

"Yes. And whether you are coming with me is your choice." The blonde said haughtily. Shouto tilted Katsuki's head up with his finger, the latter's brain (unhelpfully) supplying him with the fact that Shouto was close. Very close.

"M'kay, I'm going, but first... breakfast." Shouto said, a small smile ghosting his face as Katsuki huffed and turned away. Shouto realised that he actually found the blonde's mannerisms... endearing.


"Why did you want to come to the void so suddenly?" Shouto asked. The soft powdery ground mixed with chunks of bone crunched underfoot. This time, Katsuki was wearing shoes, borrowed from Shouto, as everything was.

"I wanted to get away from Hell. We both know something is brewing, and I don't like it."

"Oh." Was all Shouto could say in response. He did not really know what else he could say. They walked all the way across the void, somehow ending up at the stairs of Heaven.

Katsuki tried, even though the answer seemed obvious. An invisible barrier prevented him from crossing foot on the stairs. He kicked out in frustration, and yelped out when the force of the barrier knocked him back into Shouto's arms.

"Katsuki... quit it. They won't let you back in, it's the truth. I'm sorry." Shouto said, holding the former angel back.

Katsuki lost it there and then. A sudden wave of homesickness, if you could call it that, hit him. I'm banished, he thought, I'"looked never see Heaven again. Instead I'm stuck in this shiny ass place, with people judging me wherever I go.

"Fuck you, Shouto, if only you haven't saved me..." Katsuki trailed off, a look of pure horror on his face as he processed what he just said.

'"No no no, Shouto! I didn't mean it like that..."

The demon gritted his teeth and turned away. "We should start heading back before dark, c'mon."

The way back was filled with silence. Shouto could not exactly blame Katsuki for lashing out. This whole situation was very bizarre, he must say. A small fraction of him, however, wondered. Would things really have been better had I not saved Katsuki?


They were welcomed back by the gates of Hell soon enough, and scurried quickly back to Shouto's room. Katsuki could not take the stares any longer, nor bear the weight of murmurs. He had to get out of the public, fast, and return to the only spot he felt safe- Shouto's room. Thankfully, Shouto seemed to understand, and was not mad at Katsuki. The angel was grateful for that- he was not the best at expressing emotions, much least apologising.

There was a crisp piece of paper, burnt at the edges, stuffed under Shouto's door. He bent down to pick it up, and once inside, read aloud the contents scrawled messily in Dabi's handwriting.

"They want your angel's blood. Some healing properties or anything. I don't know, I don't care. But if anything chaotic happens, that wretched Son of a bitch might die, then I'll rule Hell. You know me, that's all I want. Protect your angel or whatever, but hopefully we can both get something out of this. -Dabi."

Shouto noticed the way his Brother said 'your angel'. Maybe they weren't as subtle as they thought. But he could not worry about that. There was a more pressing matter that concerned him.

"So. My blood has healing properties, huh," Katsuki mused out loud. He did not know that. They now knew a little more about this whole incident,  but there were still too many missing pieces to the puzzle, and Shouto and Katsuki could not do anything about it.

"Still, what could Dabi possibly have to do with it?" Shouto asked. Something did not add up.

"He wants to rule Hell. Stated in the note, Sho." Shouto rolled his eyes at Katsuki who stated the obvious.

"But how?"

"I don't know, ask him, maybe. I'm tired, let's skip food and go sleep first. Think about it tomorrow," Katsuki said, voice laced with sarcasm. He  buried himself in the bedsheets, heart thumping as he overthinks. For all I know, they could be outside, wanting to kill me...

A moment later, however, Shouto hopped in bed, and with the steady beat of his breaths, Katsuki was lulled to sleep too. Nestled in the demon's embrace, he felt safe.

They could think about things tomorrow.


Hi :D firstly thank u for 200 reads on this!

I realised that I love writing them sleeping or cuddling as an ending... I hope this piqued ur interest in the story, and I apologise in advance for some small plot holes that might appear (?) I'm really working this out as I go along, but nevertheless I TRY to make it make sense.


(ps I'm also working on a royalty au that might never be finished idek lmao)

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