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Katsuki gasped in awe at the architecture of Shouto's quarters. It was some distance away from the arena, and the angel could feel his legs starting to ache after all the walking. He was hungry too, and really tired.

So tired, in fact, that he walked straight into Shouto, who had stopped in front of him.

"Why did you just stop? Assho-" Katsuki let out a colourful string of very... Creative language, and Shouto stifled a laugh.

"Well, you did say you were hungry..." Shouto replied, and swung open the massive doors in front of them, revealing a long carpeted hallway, with statues that looked ugly as fuck to the angel.

"You read my mind again!? I will kill you-" Katsuki started, suddenly painfully aware that Shouto might have already heard him thinking of the demon petting his head. Argh! Fuck those thoughts! Before he could swear even further, the smell of something unfamiliar wafted though the air. It was not the rotten smell that was prominent throughout the rest of Hell, no, it smelt like food, perhaps.

Shouto opened the other pair of doors at the end of the hallway (what is the point of so many doors and hallways in Hell anyway? Katsuki thought.) and the demon simply let a smile ghost his face as the demon walked into the huge room lined with bone chandeliers, but more importantly, food.

Katsuki was... in awe, to say the least. Rows and rows of food adorned the tables, but they were nothing like he had ever seen. For starters, instead of the bread and the fruits and the fresh vegetables he was used to eating in Heaven, slabs of brown and small specks of black were present.

Shouto told him later, as he was tearing into what was called steak, that in Hell, they ate meat, and meat only. The rich ate red meat whenever possible. One thing that did not change, though, was wine. Katsuki was glad to see that apparently those in Hell enjoyed wine as much as Heaven.

"Eat slowly or you will choke," Shouto reminded, though not unkindly, still earned a retort from Katsuki.

"I hope you choke on dick, demon."

"Well, I'd rather you choke on mine."

That shut the angel up.

A blush worked its way up Katsuki's face, tinting his ears red, but Shouto did not seem to pay any attention, munching happily on his food. It's weird, why am I feeling this way about a friend? Shouto and I are friends, right? Or are we not? Ugh, stop thinking so much...


Once Shouto insisted that they were done (Katsuki refused to stop stuffing himself with food), it was already near evening, and a telltale yawn from the blonde simply made Shouto feel sleepy too. The walk to Shouto's room was a short one, accompanied by mostly silence, the roars of the city far away.

Shouto's room was big. Not that Katsuki did not expect it, after all he was a prince although Shouto said to 'never call me that or else'. Apparently, they were to share his room, because Lucifer did not trust Katsuki to have his own room. Made sense- Shouto was the one who brought Katsuki to Hell, but still.

The most cliché problem ever just had to occur.

One bed.

As Katsuki stepped into the shower, which was also hella big, he tried to focus on the pros rather than the cons. At least the bed was large enough to easily fit both of them, and should be comfortable. His mind was screaming the numerous amounts of cons, though by that time he was already done showering, and walked out to see Shouto already on the bed, propped up against a pillow.

"Aren't you going to shower?" He asked as the demon lifted his head to look at the angel, who soon plopped down on the bed, eyes shut in exhaustion.

"Demons don't need showers. I have a bathroom just for fun, if I wanted to indulge myself, I guess." Shouto leaned over, crinkled his nose as if he smelled something unpleasant, only to say, "Hmm, do all angels smell like caramel? Or just you?"

"Have some sense of personal space, asshole," Katsuki grunted before turning to face away from Shouto, presumably to get some rest, but not before slamming several pillows between them like a wall.

"If you bother me in my sleep or do anything, I will kill you."

However, there was no sign of menace behind the empty threat, and Shouto simply smiled, his heart beating a little faster.


hmm question for you:

would you rather Heaven (bread, fruits) or Hell (meat) diet?

today's chapter is a little shorter, only 0.7k words but hope you enjoy nonetheless :)

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