Part 5: Accusations

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She's already been compelled not to talk," the young witch said.


"That's impossible," Klaus spoke, after recovering from the initial shock of this statement. "I didn't do this, and I'm sure Elijah didn't, either. Rebekah is off in god knows where looking for a way to resurrect Kol in her witch body, and Mikael, along with Finn and Kol, are all dead."

Davina shrugged. "Got a better explanation? My theory is the only one that makes sense," she said. An awkward silence followed this sentence. "She's got a point," Marcel said quietly. This was followed by a smashing sound as Klaus slammed Marcel against the wall. "What exactly is it that you are implying, Marcel?" Klaus said in a dangerous voice.

"Shut up, all of you," Davina said, rolling her eyes. "All we have to do is remove the compulsion from her mind. Freya?" Davina said, nodding her head at the Mikaelson witch. Freya glanced at her two brothers, then sighed.

Together, the two witches held out their hands towards Caroline and began chanting a spell. Caroline froze, and her breath quickened. In a matter of seconds, she was letting out a scream so terrible Klaus didn't know how to react. Elijah looked at his brother, and couldn't tell if Klaus was on the verge of crying or unleashing an all-out massacre.

Slowly, Caroline's screams died down, and she fell unconscious on her chair. A few seconds later, she awoke.

"What..." Caroline mumbled. "Stefan, what-" Caroline's eyes widened when she saw- "Klaus?" Caroline said. Then she looked down at her bound wrists. "Where the hell am I?"

Klaus didn't know whether to be relieved or worried at Caroline's words. On the one hand, this meant that Caroline hadn't been responsible for her own actions, and she hadn't knowingly put Cami's life in danger. At the same time, though, the other half of Klaus wished that the former had been true- because this meant that someone had compelled Caroline to attack Cami and possibly all those other people, and Klaus knew for a fact that there was only one other person apart from himself in the entire world who had such capabilities.

Freya, Marcel, Davina, and Hayley all glanced at each other. They had a bad feeling about what was going to happen next.

Just as predicted, Klaus let out a scream of rage and charged at Elijah. Fortunately, both Freya and Davina had been expecting something like this. Freya muttered an enchantment and froze Klaus in place. Davina did the same for Elijah, who simply looked like he didn't know how to react.

"What in the hell is going on?" Caroline yelled. Hayley rushed over to Caroline and started freeing her bonds. "We're trying to decide whether or not you killed ten people," Hayley replied. "What?" Caroline said even louder.

"Freya, release me right now so I can tear my brother's head off," Klaus yelled. "Klaus, you can't seriously be suspecting Elijah of this," Freya said exasperatedly. "Well, who are you suggesting we suspect, then?" Marcel asked. Freya looked at Marcel with an expression of disbelief on her face.

"Look, I'm sorry, but there are only two vampires in the entire world who can compel another vampire, and they're both standing in front of us," Marcel said with a shrug.

"All right, all of you stop," Caroline suddenly said, standing up. "The last thing I remember is being with Stefan, we should just call him and ask him what he remembers. Until then, nobody is ripping anyone's heads off, is that clear?" she said in a commanding voice.

With a nod, both Freya and Davina broke their spells, and Klaus reluctantly sat down in a chair all the way across the room. "Thank you," Caroline said rather exasperatedly.

"Stefan? Hi," Caroline said into her phone. "No- I'm fine. Yeah, somehow I ended up in New Orleans. Do you remember what- Yeah, okay. Really?" This conversation went on for about two more minutes, and as Freya didn't have vampire hearing, she could only make out half the conversation.

At last, Caroline ended her phone call, and turned towards them. "Apparently, I've been missing for three days. According to Stefan, some tall, blonde woman raced into my college dorm room, and snapped Stefan's neck. When he woke up, I was gone."

"A blonde woman? Is it possible it was Rebekah?" Davina suggested. Caroline shook her head. "Stefan would have told me if it had been her." "A tall blonde. That's not much to go on," Hayley said, once again stating the very obvious.

"Look, I have no idea who half of you even are, and I really don't care. All I need to know is what Hayley meant by 'We're trying to decide whether or not you killed ten people'," Caroline said.

Marcel sighed. "Nine humans and a witch have been found dead during the past four days. But since your friends said you were gone for only three days, I doubt these murders were your doing," he said.

"Another thing I would like to point out," Hayley said, looking at Klaus, "These ten murders had nothing to do with us, but Cami getting attacked? It's obvious that this attack was directed at you, Klaus. I mean, your new love interest getting attacked by your old love interest in your own home?" Hayley said.

"She's not my love interest," Klaus said, causing everyone but Caroline to roll their eyes. "What do you mean attacked? You guys aren't talking about-" Caroline's eyes widened as she finally noticed the blood smeared across her hands. "Oh god," she said, slowly sitting down at the realization that she had attacked an innocent human.

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