Part 10: The Mikaelsons

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"Drink this," Klaus said quietly to Caroline, offering his wrist to her. Hayley had managed to get a number of werewolf bites on Caroline before Klaus had managed to stop her, and judging from Caroline's pale face, the effects were already starting to take over.

"Klaus, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for-" "It's okay, love, it wasn't your fault," Klaus said without much emotion. "God, I'm so stupid, I didn't even realize I'd been compelled again," Caroline said, though she was very much aware there was nothing she could have done to prevent this. "No one but you got hurt, love, stop apologizing," Klaus said a bit more forcefully this time.

He had been silent for the past half hour now, and he had been planning on staying that way until he noticed Caroline suffering from the effects of Hayley's werewolf bite. Now that Caroline was okay, he was back to thinking about how he was going to disembowel the person who had nearly cost Cami, Hope, and Caroline their lives all in one day.

"She's gone," Marcel said, marching back inside. "Davina's gone, she's not in the Abattoir, I've got my guys searching the Quarter, but something tells me we're not going to find her here."

"Have you checked the Lafayette Cemetery?" Freya said. "No, and I'm not about to, either. The witches are still mad at us vampires, remember? They think one of us killed that fifteen year old kid," Marcel replied. "When exactly did Davina leave?" Elijah asked. "More importantly, what's that stupid witch up to now?" Hayley said angrily.

"The stupid witch was making actual progress with the investigation, unlike the rest of you," Davina said, suddenly appearing at Klaus's room's entrance. "What do you mean by progress?" Elijah said, standing up. Davina hesitated. "Are you three absolutely sure Rebekah's still in her witch body?" she asked. "Yeah, I just called her while you were gone, she's fine," Freya replied with a frown. "Why?" she asked.

Davina bit her lip nervously. "I just did a really strong blood locator spell using Klaus's blood- don't ask," Davina said, when Klaus opened his mouth to question her. "I tracked down the locations of the people who have Mikaelson blood in their veins. Klaus, Elijah, Freya, and Hope all showed up in New Orleans, and just as I was about to come back here, a fifth location appeared. There's another Mikaelson living and breathing on this earth, and that Mikaelson is currently in Mystic Falls, Virginia," Davina finished.

An eerie silence followed Davina's speech. The silence was broken by Caroline, who said, "What?"

"Another Mikaelson? Don't tell me one of your parents got resurrected from the dead again," Marcel said, turning on Elijah and Klaus.

"Esther and Dahlia died together, and Mikael was turned to dust, so no, it's not our parents," Klaus said immediately. "It can't be Finn, he's stuck in here," Freya said, pointing to her blue amulet necklace.

Davina slowly let out a shaky breath. The thoughts of the recent murders and robberies fled everyone's minds as they all came to the same conclusion. "Then that means it's-" "Kol," Elijah said unsurely. "But how could he possibly have-" "Who the hell cares?" Davina said. "I don't know about the rest of you," she said, ignoring the stares that came her way, "But I'm going to this Mystic Falls place, and I'm bringing Kol home."

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