Part 15: Sisters

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 "I- I still don't understand what's going on, Henry and I haven't talked in years, what-" "Get her to stop talking," Klaus said. Rolling her eyes, Caroline walked over to the eighteen year old girl who was supposedly Henry Woods's sister.

"She's terrified, what did you do, kidnap her?" Caroline said to Bonnie. "Not really," Bonnie said, not meeting Caroline's eyes. "Look, all I want to know is if Henry's okay," the girl said. "What? Of course he's okay, why wouldn't he be okay?" Caroline said. "Wha- she said that he'd been in a car accident, and that-" "Bonnie- Seriously?" Caroline said, turning towards her friend. "There was no other way to get her here quickly in time, Henry somehow managed to get her to consume vervain on a daily basis, so we couldn't compel her," Bonnie said, throwing her hands up into the air.

"Wait- so my brother hasn't been in an accident?" the girl said. "No," Bonnie admitted. "What?" the girl yelled. "Calm down," Caroline said, sitting the girl down on one of the chairs littering the courtyard of the Abattoir. "I don't understand this- where are your parents?" Caroline asked the girl. The girl blinked. "They're dead. They've been dead since I was four, Henry and I always moved around in orphanages together," she replied. "That's just sad," Damon said, raising his eyebrows as he took a sip of bourbon.

"So no parents? And you turned eighteen... When? This spring?" Caroline asked. The girl nodded.

"What now? Do we tell her the full story or do we lock her up in a safe place until this is all over?" Caroline said, turning towards Bonnie, Elena, Damon, and Stefan.

"I say we tell her the full story," Stefan said, glancing over at Brooke Woods's terrified face. "What? No," Damon said. "We lock her up, have Vincent do his little voodoo so that she and Katherine can keep each other company or something. Or better yet, have Henry pick her up. He can make sure she's safe, then he can help us get rid of Erika," he stated.

"Damon, don't you think if Henry could have protected Brooke, he would have done so already? Henry may be more powerful, but I'm guessing Erika has a failsafe that can allow her to kill Brooke off at moment's notice," Elena said. Brooke let out a scared squeak. "Who the hell are you people?" she shouted.

"So we hide Brooke ourselves? If so, then where? Erika should have noticed Brooke has disappeared by now, and it's only a matter of time before she orders Henry to use his magic to look into the Abattoir," Caroline said.

For a couple of seconds, the only thing that could be heard were Brooke's panicked breaths. Then Bonnie stood up.

"I have an idea," Bonnie began.

"Henry knew we needed Katherine, but he put her in Cami's body so that Erika wouldn't notice what he had done. Even if Erika looks Katherine directly in the eye, she won't know that she's staring at the one person who managed to take her down. What if we do the same for Brooke?" Bonnie said.

"Are you saying we lock her body up in a coffin and place her soul in someone else's body?" Damon said sarcastically, snorting. "That's exactly what I'm saying," Bonnie said. "Everything I need for a spell like that is right here- I can channel the magic in Klaus's daggers, and can have Brooke in a new body by sundown," Bonnie said.

The vampires, along with Bonnie, all stared at one another. "It's a good a plan as any," Stefan shrugged.

"Look, I don't understand what the hell is going on here, but clearly, you people are lunatics and need to go see a mental hospital," Brooke said, standing up and backing away from them. "I'm really sorry about this, but this is for your own good," Bonnie said as she cast a spell to knock Brooke out.


"She told you this?" Klaus said. "Yes, brother, Katerina told me the only way to destroy Erika is to either starve her or overwhelm her. And since we both know there is no such thing as 'serenity and peace' in our family, I suggest we take the second option and find a way to create as much chaos as possible," Elijah told Klaus.

A few minutes ago, Vincent had come and had relieved Elijah of his watch on Camille. Right now, Elijah was trying to convince his paranoid younger brother to trust in this solution.

"Elijah, are you suggesting we should trust the word of a person who has done nothing but betray and manipulate people all her life?" Klaus said. "I trust you, don't I, Niklaus?" Elijah said with a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"No. Absolutely not. We will find another way to-" "There is no other way, Niklaus. Even if there were, it would take us a tremendous amount of time to find it, and Erika could have taken over the entire city by then. It is risking too much to allow a monster like that to run rampant along the streets of New Orleans. Your daughter has already been attacked once, Niklaus. Consider Katerina's solution, simply for Hope's sake," Elijah said before he left the room. 


"Have you had any luck in locating Freya, Davina, or Marcel yet?" Bonnie asked Vincent as she entered the main crypt where Cami was trapped in.

"I did a locator spell, Freya's been in her clocktower this whole time, I'm guessing she's been knocked out. I sent a couple of your vampire friends to go look for her. I'm gathering the nine coven leaders today to try and merge our powers to find Davina. And as for Marcel, you'd better hope I don't find him, because the second I do, a war will rage," Vincent replied in a rapid tone as he grabbed several magical ingredients off the shelves and dumped them into Bonnie's arms.

"That's everything, I think," Vincent said to her. "Thanks," Bonnie replied, looking over the pile of things that would be needed to perform the soul moving spell.

Meanwhile, in Freya's clocktower, Damon and Stefan were failing to locate the Mikaelson witch.

"There's literally only one room in this entire place, how can't we find her?" Damon said angrily, kicking a table aside. "Maybe Katherine hid her someplace using magic?" Stefan said, peering near the windows. "Give it a rest, Stefan, Freya's not hiding behind the curtains," Damon muttered, rolling his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Damon said, taking a more serious tone when his brother sat down on the floor with a sigh. "Nothing," Stefan muttered. "Wha- no, hey, tell me," Damon said. Stefan didn't answer. "Stefan, Katherine Pierce is in town. We're not going to last until the end of the week unless we're honest with each other," Damon said, sitting down next to him.

"It's nothing, really. It's just... The whole 'getting compelled to turn into a ripper' thing, along with spending time with Klaus... It's just bringing up a lot of unwanted memories, is all," Stefan said, as he thought about the time he had spent with Klaus and Rebekah in the 1920s.

"You know, it's common courtesy to give a response when someone says something to you," Stefan said, glancing at Damon, who was staring at the ground in silence. "Shut up for a sec," Damon said, holding a hand up. "Do you hear that?" he whispered. Stefan frowned, wondering what Damon was talking about. Then he heard it, too. A faint thumping sound, coming from the wall across from them.

Stefan immediately stood up, and pressed his ear to the wall. "There's definitely someone in there," Stefan said. "How do we get the wall out of the way?" Damon asked.

Stefan looked around. Bashing the wall in wouldn't work, that would only harm Freya, who was undoubtedly the one trapped behind the wall. "Move," Stefan said to Damon, as he pressed his hands against the wall. Using just the right amount of force, he managed to push a hole through the wall to reveal Freya, whose face was pale and sweating.

"Oh my god," Stefan said, ripping away the brick wall. "Damon, she needs air," Stefan said, just as Freya collapsed in his arms. 

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