Part 10: Camille O'Connell

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"We need war!" one of the witches were yelling. "Off with the vampires!" "They kidnapped our Regent, Griffith, aren't you going to do something?"

"Vincent!" Freya said in a loud and clear voice. All heads turned her way. "The Mikaelson witch. What's she doing here?" a woman of Vietnamese ancestry said with a scowled. "Hey, calm down, all of you, and scram," Vincent said, his gaze softening at the sight of Cami.

"Hey, you two. Is this important? I'm kind of in the middle of a crisis," Vincent said. nodding towards the two women. "Vincent, do you know where Davina is?" Freya asked. Vincent frowned. "I'm assuming Marcel's vampires took her? You do remember the part where they broke open the gates to the cemetery and launched an attack, don't you?" he said.

"Come on, you can't seriously believe Marcel would do something like that- he wants nothing but peace between the vampires and the witches, remember?" Freya said. "As I recall, two years ago, he was murdering innocent witches just for using the slightest bit of their magic, remember?" Vincent said, giving Freya a look. "I don't remember, actually, I was in under a cursed sleep," Freya replied. coolly.

Vincent rolled his eyes. "I'm guessing you think Marcel's actions have something to do with the new supernatural in town? Erika or whatever her name is?" he said. Freya nodded. "Look, I'm sorry, but you'll have to excuse me if I don't immediately rush forward to believe that. Marcel's vampires have killed a lot of witches in the past. Just because they stopped for the two years that Klaus has been in town doesn't mean they've decided to quit forever. I need to take actions to protect my own people-"

"Erika took Davina, Vincent. A seventeen year old child was kidnapped by a lunatic because you decided to put Davina up for the post of Regent. Half of this is on you, and you're not raging any war until we find Davina, understand?" Freya said.

Vincent rolled his eyes again. "I'll help you find Davina, but I'm not stopping this war. New Orleans needs to change. We'll leave your family and the werewolves alone, but Marcel and his monsters are going down the second we find Davina," Vincent said. "I'll meet you at the Abattoir in about an hour," he said before walking away.

"Thanks for nothing," Freya yelled to Cami, throwing her arms up in the air. "You're welcome," Cami said sarcastically and with a scoff. "What's gotten into you, Cami? You're acting like a totally different person," Freya said. "What, because I'm such a bright and happy person all the time?" Cami snorted. "Yes, exactly," Freya said exasperatedly. Cami blinked. "Oh," she said with a frown.

Cami was strangely quiet on the ride back to the Abattoir.

"I'm going to see if I can do a spell to find Marcel. Do you mind watching Hope for a few minutes? I think she just woke up," Freya said. "Sure," Cami said. 

Looking at Cami walk unsurely up the stairs, Freya couldn't help but feel something was dangerously wrong. And she was going to find out what it was.


After an hour of pointless searching, Klaus, Damon, Elena, and Caroline returned to the Abattoir with their hopes down. Klaus didn't know how it was possible for an entire army filled with blood sucking vampires could manage to escape the prying eyes of four supernaturals with enhanced hearing, but here they were.

"Hope's upstairs with Cami," Freya said to him once he returned.

Klaus slowly walked up the stairs. He thought about what Caroline had told him earlier. About how he should tell Cami how he felt... What was it that he felt, though? And in what way?

All his thoughts of doubt were replaced by one single, certain thought when he walked into the room to see Cami playing with Hope with a big, pure smile on her face. Klaus cared for her. Klaus cared for her deeply.

For a few moments, Klaus just stood there, watching Cami watch Hope as if it were the most precious thing in the world. With a look of longing, and a hint of... What was that? Sadness?

"Camille," Klaus said. Cami's face froze. All the warmth and light that had been in her face earlier was replace with a look of shock and anger and. But either Klaus had been imagining it, or Cami was a really good actress, because in a split second, that coldness had disappeared.

"Klaus," Cami replied.

"I want to tell you something, love," Klaus said, walking towards her and Hope. Cami looked at him. "I wanted to let you know- I care for you. I've only felt this three times during the millennium I have spend in the world, and I know how rare a feeling like this is. But..." Klaus stared at Cami, who was staring at him with an unreadable expression on her face.

One single motion broke through the thousands of thoughts that were filling up in Klaus's brain. He leaned forward and kissed her. Cami didn't return the kiss, but she didn't pull away, either. Perhaps that was a good thing?

Two eternally long seconds passed. Klaus slowly pulled away, staring at Cami's face for even the slightest hint of emotion.

"What the hell was that?" Cami said in a stiff voice.

"I'm afraid I don't understand you, love," Klaus said softly. Cami stared at him for a second before opening her mouth. "You're 'afraid you don't understand me'?" Cami said with a tone of disbelief. "Let me rephrase my question so you can better understand what I'm trying to say," she said, standing up.

"How in the hell could you possibly think I like you that way?" Cami said coldly. Klaus slowly stood up. "Cami, I-" "Let me finish," Cami said.

"You've torn apart kingdoms, cities, lovers, friends, family- you have tormented and tortured people ranging from innocent men to scared little girls. You have destroyed the lives of so many people, and yet for some reason, you think you can do- that," Cami said, throwing her hand up in the air. "I don't like you Klaus, I never have, and I never will. Want to know why?" Cami said, staring directly into Klaus's eyes. "Because you are a monster," she said, putting meaning into those words with every ounce of strength that she possessed inside her body.

Klaus stood there, frozen in place, as Cami pushed him aside with her shoulder as she walked out of the room. He never turned around to try and stop Cami- which is why he didn't see the expression on her face. An expression that was not of sadness nor of anger, but of a twisted kind of satisfaction.



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