Part 7: Witches against Vampires

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The gates crashed down onto the ground, and the vampires began flooding into the cemetery. The New Orleans witches began creating balls of lethal fire in their hands, and Freya, knowing very well that a massacre was about to happen, raised her hands in their air and formed a protective barrier between the two supernatural species.

The vampires yelled angrily and began kicking at the barrier, while the witches, too, tried to break the barrier down. They were calling for blood, and, even though the speech that had been given to them a few minutes ago had been by Erika who had been disguised as Davina, it seemed that her words had had a greater impact on them than one could have ever foreseen.

"Do something, Bennett!" Freya yelled, struggling to keep the barrier up with both sides trying to destroy it. Bonnie bent down and whispered something into her cupped hands. She then brought the hands upon Davina's forehead. The Regent stopped trembling, and her eyes fluttered open.

"Oh thank god," Bonnie said. She helped Davina, who could barely stand on her two feet, sit up straight. "Wha-" "Davina, you have to stop your witches right now. I'll go deal with the vampires, just make them stop," Bonnie said, pointing to the witches whose faces were alight with fury.

Bonnie stretched her hand out towards the vampires that were threatening to break down Freya's barrier, and brought forth all the magic she had inside of her. Taking down a vampire army this large without being able to kill any of them would be a difficult feat to achieve.

First, Bonnie allowed a circle of flames to surround the vampires so that they would stop touching the barrier. Then, she started giving the vampires aneurysms, popping the blood vessels in their heads, until they were on the floor, clutching at their skulls in agony.

Meanwhile, Davina turned towards her witches. She knew that there was no way that she would be able to calm them down with words. Their emotions were too heightened right now. So instead, she called upon the magic of the ancestors.

All the witches' fire balls dissipated into the air, and their attacks against the border diminished. Davina felt something trickling out of her eyes and nose, and realized with a start that it was blood.

Just then, she heard a scream- Bonnie's scream. Davina stared, open mouthed, as one of Marcel's vampires sank his teeth into Bonnie's neck. In that moment, Davina felt Freya's barrier spell weaken- and then it came crumbling down.

For a second, nobody moved. Then one of the vampires came running out of the crowd and hurled himself at Davina. She would have easily blocked the attack, but she was too shocked at who the vampire was to be able to protect herself.

Marcel Gerard ripped his fangs into the neck of the Regent. All the witches who had been hesitating a second before weren't hesitating now. They began to chant spells as one, putting all their magic together to kill off the vampires, once and for all. "Enough!" Freya screamed, letting out a huge wave of magic. Every single person in the Lafayette cemetery, including Freya, fell to the ground, unconscious.


"Are you all right, love?" Klaus said softly to Caroline, who was staring down below into the courtyard with a blank expression on her face. The second they had been teleported into the Abattoir, Klaus, Elijah, Damon, and Elena had all raced back to the cemetery. They had arrived to find an army of Marcel's vampires, the witches of New Orleans, along with Freya and Bonnie, collapsed on the floor. Davina had been nowhere to be seen.

With Elijah carrying Freya, Damon carrying Bonnie, and Klaus dragging Marcel behind him, they had all made their way back to the Abattoir. Klaus had made sure to let Marcel's unconscious body fall into every dirty puddle and hit every single stone pavement on the streets. Marcel Gerard had failed to protect his daughter, which had resulted in this entire mess.

"I'm fine," Caroline replied much emotion.

Klaus stared at where Caroline was looking at. Freya, Bonnie, and Marcel were all passed out on the chairs below.

"How are you?" Klaus asked. Caroline stood up straight and stared at him. "How am I?" she said shakliy. "How am I?" she said a little louder with a tone of disbelief. "How do you think I am, Klaus? There is an alter ego that has been compelled into me, the most evil, twisted version of myself that could pop up at any second! First it was Cami, an innocent human, then it was Hope, an infant child, then Davina, the seventeen year old girl- and now? Klaus, do you even know what happened today? Do you know how close I came to killing your sister?" she yelled, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes.

"What's going on here?" Stefan said, sprinting up the stairs and putting his arm around Caroline's shoulder. "I was simply asking-" "She doesn't need you to ask her anything, Klaus," Stefan said coldly. "You don't get to kill my mother, then act like nothing is wrong."

"Would you have preferred it if I killed you, then?" Klaus said loudly. "Or her?" he said, gesturing to Caroline. "Fine! You had an impossible choice to make, so you did what you had to do. But you aren't some hero who only took the best of actions to protect his daughter," Stefan said.

"But you are, aren't you?" Klaus said, taking a sarcastic tone. "You think of yourself as some kind of heroic, selfless being. I may be a brutal killer, Stefan, but at least I don't try to hide it!" he yelled. "Both of you, stop," Caroline said.

Ignoring her, Stefan took a step towards Klaus. "What are you implying?" he said. "Even the ignorant humans had heard of you! The monster that prowled the cities at night, draining the blood of anyone who walked his way. The uncontrolled beast who would rip your head off just because he could. The ripper of Monterey!" Klaus shouted.

"And what about you? Always betraying the people closest to you, the people who stood by your side century after century. The bastard hybrid who literally stabbed his siblings in the back every chance he got. Look around, Klaus! Everyone you come near or show even the slightest affections to ends up getting hurt or threatened. Look at Hayley, at Cami, your sister, even your own daughter! I'm not going to let that happen to Caroline. You're a walking, ticking time bomb, and even you know it."

Instead of yelling back at him, Klaus did something totally different from what Stefan had expected. Klaus's gaze lowered, and he walked away silently.

Stefan didn't know where all that anger had come from- sure, there was the fact that Klaus had just killed his mother, but Stefan barely knew the woman Lily Salvatore had become. Maybe it was just the idea that he had lost his mother yet again, or maybe it was something else- all he knew was that his emotions were flared up right now, and they would get out of hand unless he did something about it.

"They're waking up," Elena called from below. Caroline and Stefan made their way down into the courtyard, where Bonnie, Freya, and Marcel had begun to stir.

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