06: Destruction

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|| hours before the Collapse ||


That was what you felt when you stood before the monster. The giant that stared down at you as the other kids present were all either knocked out, injured or dead.

You stood before the beast as its big prying eyes looked at you with nothing but bloodlust.

"Do you really think that they are capable of defeating a Nomu?" One observer spoke as he looked over the window of the much bigger, securer, training room. A place perfect for intense combat training.

There you were, standing along with the other kids as you faced not one, but two giants.

Shigaraki stood in a separate observation room, away from the company of Akane's actual clients. They were all formally suited and observing the action taking place in the training area.

Akane smirked and nodded, she had a lot of confidence with the program her client has ordered for. She was especially proud of your power, the power you constantly suppressed. And she wanted to see exactly what you'll do when you're left with no choice but to use everything you've got.

You cowered in fear as you watched the others kids lose against the Nomus. Either they were harshly pushed to the side or they were crushed. It was a horrifying battlefield and the soldiers were kids.

"The children are losing." One commented in disappointment, seeing as the majority of the children who were stupid enough to charge at the monsters were either knocked out or killed in an instant. "And where did you manage to get Nomus? Were you able to strike up a deal from the LoV?"

Maybe Akane just wanted to shock them; impress them. She rolled her eyes and grabbed the microphone.

"Y.N.14, eliminate the Nomus with full power."

|| 15 Minutes before the collapse ||

"S-sir..." the blue sidekick stuttered, an unusual tone as their office policy was always to be enthusiastic.

This made the pro hero turn to her, only to see a rather terrified look.

"Yes? What is it, Bubble girl?"

"S-Sir... the location we have suspected that the Koshikawa Usagi has been confirmed..." She seemed glad and terrified as well. "There... there were traces of human remains... in- in the nearby dumpster... either dusted, dried or burned... sir."

The pro sighed at the news. This was what he hated about making careful and well-thought plans. They took time. And not everyone had the luxury of time.

"Alright... Call the police and alert the other heroes... we'll go as planned-"

A slight tremor could be felt on the ground. A soft shaking was felt beneath their feet.

An alert sound was heard and the news was quickly turned on.

"This just in, the area of-"

"That's where the base is, sir!" Bubblegirl exclaimed.

"-is currently experiencing an earthquake with a magnitude of 10.5! We are alerting all nearby heroes to head to the area and save as much before any possible collapse of buildings or roads in the area! Volunteers such as hero course students are allowed to participate!" The reporter announced as they flew above where the earthquake was happening.

"We need your help heroes!"

|| Seconds before the collapse ||

The giant stood before you, beady eyes gazing down on you as you trembled in fear.

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