37: Tension

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"What are you looking at?" Shohei raised a brow as he felt Deku staring. His steel eyes catching Deku's green ones.

The freckled kid looked away as if nothing happened.

"What is it?" Shohei asked, annoyance laced in his voice. He felt his seat-mate, as well as a few others, stare at him for about an hour now. He was slowly getting annoyed and anxious by it.

However he could understand why they were doing it. It had only been a day since they saw the scene play out with you attempting to kill AllMight and Shohei calling you some sort of code.

"If it was about yesterday, Mr. Aizawa already-"

"(Y/n) tried to eliminate AllMight." Deku cut him off. He obviously did not want to see you as some sort of threat, especially since you were just a child, but it was hard after seeing you display your power. You managed to injure AllMight.

He had seen it, after the incident the boy went to check on his mentor, only to watch in horror as the skinny man had gained bruises all over his back. Some grew really red mixed with all sorts of colors, indicating the severity of it.

It was terrifying to see his mentor injured due to your actions.

Shohei's eyes slightly widened at his classmate's words. He glanced at the watching eyes of his other class. This was what he hated about them. Their need to know things. Their want to get involved.

They should learn how to stop sticking their nose into other people's business. He thought as most tried not to be too obvious about listening to the conversation. Not everyone is open to talk about their problems... much less their family issues. He knotted his brow as he had whisped for the next teacher to walk in and start class so he could avoid this.

"It's-... Its none of your business." Was all he could say.

"It is our damn business you brat!" Bakugou growled turning to face Shohei, who was behind him. "That little squirt wanted to kill AllMight."

"No she didn't-"

"Then what was that we saw yesterday? Huh?"

Dense silence filled the room as everyone stared at the three, awaiting tensely for what one of them would answer.

Hoshiko huffed and slammed her hands on the table as she turned to the guy beside her, Bakugou. "Mr. Aizawa already said not to pry over it! Are you that much of a hard-headed spoiled brat?" She wasn't one to take fights or arguments seriously, but this was about you and their personal situations and struggles. "Can't you let it go and wait for things to pass? Let the fucking issue to be solved before you try to stick your nose into it?" She pressed a finger onto his chest as she glared at the male.

Bakugou was quite impress and very much annoyed by how brave Hoshiko was as she daringly stared at him in the eyes.

"Its just right that Mr. Aizawa stopped bringing her to class... especially with the way you all are acting now." Hoshiko spat.

Bakugou clicked his tongue, anger getting the best of him. "Serves the brat right. For all we can say, she could be some sort of damn sleeper agent... can't be trusted."

Shohei clenched his fists, not wanting to start a fight... especially with the tense situation they as new students are in... and him being your sibling.

But Hoshiko didn't have the same self-control as him.

Her eyes widened as she turned to him. He only gave her a mocking smirk and that set her off.

She pounced on him, her hands on the collars of his uniform as her two colored eyes stared glared at him. Her teeth clenched as she brought her hand to punch him.

But before she ever could, Shohei grabbed her arm.

"Enough." His calm voice ran through the room and gave everyone a chill.

It wasn't the warm and calm type. It was the 'I'm at my last straw so don't push me further' type of tone.

Hoshiko gave him a glare and ripped her arm away from his grip as she got up and away from Bakugou, who actually wanted to see just how hard the girl could hit.

"Damn brat." Bakugou growled and Shohei turned to him with a menacing glare, eyes bright blue as if telling him he could end the man right there and then but chose not too.

Bakugou scowled at him, not really wanting to admit that both you and Shohei freaked him even just the smallest bit.

They all sat back to their seats as Present Mic walked into the class.

"Good Morning!" He smiled despite the tense feeling he had in the room. He assumed it was something about the recent incident and he just tried to lighten up the room by continuing his promised english activity/ game he had planned.


Aizawa watched you and Tora as you both sat at his desk as usual. You listened to Tora chat about something but Aizawa could barely hear from where he was.

"You alright?" Vlad asked him as he gave Aizawa a pat.

The man snapped out of his train of thought and nodded with a heavy sigh. "Just... worried." He replied bringing his eyes to you. "Worried that things might just get worse... that I may start doubting my own kids-"

"Don't think that way." Vlad cut him off, handing him a cup of coffee. "I get its hard to handle... especially with the power the kid can hold... plus the fact that all 20 of your students saw her try to beat AllMight to the-"

"What's your point, Vlad?"

"I'm just saying... no matter how hard it is or how difficult the situation... just keep faith." He told the man. "Believe in your kids... they may only have been with you for months and may have came from a very rough place... but you can see that they are good kids, right?"

Aizawa glanced at him before back at you, "right." But something in him doubted it. Maybe it was the inner hero telling him not to let his guard down, not to let looks deceive or to underestimate any of you despite your age and looks.

He sighed heavily once more before turning to the phone buzzing kn his pocket, now making sure to at always keep it there in case anyone calls.

"Hello?" He placed the phone against his ear.

"Eraserhead. Its me, Nighteye." The man on the other end spoke. "I just received and fully reviewed the file on Hoshiko and Shohei..." There was an unreadable tone in his voice. "It says here that Shohei's mother is... (Y/n) Shirakumo? Are you absolutely sure about this?"

"Yes. Why?" Aizawa answered shortly, quite worried as to what seemed to be the problem, or if there even is a problem. "Is there a problem with that?"

"No. No problem." Nighteye replied. "Its just that his mother was one of my first interns turned fully into my sidekicks..." It seemed like he was happy, the tone being a bit light.

"Wait... what?"

"I would like to talk to Shohei... Maybe I could give him more information about his mother." Aizawa gulped a bit, he had not been telling Shohei enough about his mother, especially when He seemed to be the closest person to her besides Hizashi. "And bring Hoshiko and the little girl too."

"Why is that?" Aizawa didn't want to sound too protective.

"I would like to just get to know these peculiar kids."

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